What We Thought Would Happen
Stand-up comic and major player, Laura Kightlinger, talks to writers and performers on staying wealth-free and anonymous in the face of Hollywood celebrity, beard babies and untold millions.
What We Thought Would Happen
"When Mel Brooks yells at you" with Dana Gould
We proudly welcome a great friend who happens to be the funniest man and ape on this burning planet. Please give a What We Thought Would Happen welcome to the one and only DANA GOULD!
We discuss Dana and Laura's long term friendship and coming up in Boston, Gilbert Gottfried needs another cunt joke, Dwight Fry, Mel Brooks, the balls on Leslie Nielsen, "A Night on Java Island", the genius of Albert Brooks, Barney Miller, writing on The Simpson's, Drake Sather, Maila Nurmi aka Vampira and Hanging with Dr. Z.
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Laura Kightlinger
Twitter: @KingKightlinger
Insta: @laurakightlingerlives
Web: laurakightlinger.com
Jimmy Harry
Twitter: @bonsaimammal
Insta: @thejimmyharry
Web: jimmy harry.com
Okay, Garrett, you can tell me. When I think it is. Okay? I think we are, Yeah. Okay. Welcome to what we thought would happen. I'm going to try and do biased analysis. This next guy, this good guy. I know this guy. We used to be on a baseball team together in Boston, and I know that because he has a photo of us with both at the same can mullet. That's how far back I go with this son of a bitch. So and then we was in the Harvard square. I catch a rising star and stuff and we get we got Robin Hall and given us some advice, unsolicited. He gave us our marching orders that led to nothing. And you know something? I didn't learn a thing then, and I still haven't. But you know something? This guy, I love this guy. He and I had went through puberty together. That's how that's how long I know this guy. Yeah. Yeah, We went through puberty. Puberty got to buds. jeez. And I still got him, but I got him on my back. Now, this guy, I'll. I did good. I'm so happy you're here. And. And also, Daniel, who I love, is a big fan of yours. We were. Little and. No. Actual time. We, Daniel, were. You're telling me about some show that you guys were on? You first met Dana? yeah. I hosted for you down in Irvine. you're a long time ago. Yeah, but it was like, great shows. Great shows, great shows. And the Sunday show was, like, just rough. They were never letting any of us have it. There's this is the new Irvine Club. The older. The newer one. Yeah, the new one. I remember that. I remember that. Yeah. And to quote the late Drake say there, that club. You can't see the back wall because of the curvature of the earth. You know. Yeah. It's amazing. I was thinking about Drake the other day. But you packed it. That was my first time ever there. And I remember being like, my gosh, they're going to fill us in all the time. But the last audience was a rough F and I remember we should at the end you finish and right before Mike Dana, goal, everybody you shook my hand and you go it's like pulling teeth. Of. That like kind of shitting on the audience in front. Of you. That's so good. I loved it. Yeah. The old Lenny Bruce, it's like performing from Mount Rushmore. Roosevelt I think that's it. Did you watch the Joan Rivers roast on Comedy Central? No, no. I watch comedy. The Woman is Dead. I know, but Joey doesn't think so. Gottfried had the best, like, roast of her, and then she came up for the rebuttal. And my favorite thing about her was she was like, Open your fucking eyes. The audience is. Leaving. I was like, I love shitting on the audience in front of it. I help. I wrote on one of those roasts with Gilbert and man, he's just going down. And it's very like, you know, in real life he was very soft spoken and very intimate. And he was. Yeah, I think I think I need maybe one more cunt joke. That's my favorite. And I loved you. Everybody go, Right. Well, I've been around a long time, but the thing with Gilbert was I we were in a greenroom. Remember the Sunday comics on Fox? Yeah. Yeah, we were both on that. And we're in the dressing room. I just met her. Hey, how are in history? Joe is a big fan, and I mentioned Dwight Frye, who's a character actor from the 1930s. Horror movies. God. And he was like, Dwight Frye. And I guess we both have that, like obsessive love of old horror movies. And that was it. We were friends for life. Yeah. We were just friends for life. We talked for 4 hours that day. Yeah. Always stayed in touch. Said always sending each other weird stuff. It was just great. It was okay. So who was Dwight Frye? Dwight Frye played Renfield in the Bela Lugosi Dracula and played the hunchbacked assistant in the original Frankenstein as. Well, Wow. Yeah, that was him. Yeah, that was. I love that. He was a great character actor and a lot of great stuff in the thirties and forties. Did you watch Demeter? I did. I did. There was like a quick my. Yes, there. Was. And I kind of loved that. Little both The last voyage of the Demeter and Renfield Great ideas. Renfield was. Funny. It was funny. I wish the movie had been better. I could have been a lot. I wanted more of Nicolas Cage in that guy and less of Aquafina being a conflicted police One crowd. But I stand by. The funniest. Is Dracula dead and loving it? I can't get over that because they do a scene for scene from the. Great Mel Brooks. Yeah with the hilarious Stephen Weber. I've never seen. Hilarious. I've never seen that. It's the. Best. It's way. Funny. High Anxiety is my favorite. Who's the actor melding the Renfield in that He's a super famous Peter McNichol. That guy. Yeah. Or Peter Nichols or Peter McNamara. He nailed. He was great. He was great. wow. I spent a lot of time with Mr. Brooks a couple of years ago. Really? Yeah. Talk about what were you doing? We wrote a movie. Yeah. Together. Amazing. Yeah. I got nothing but nice things to say about him. Yeah, he's great. What's going to happen to the movie? Do you guys know none. Of these are ever going to get made? But did you mean wait, We went. Know No was in it passed away but he was. I mean, he he really is at the time we were together in 92 and he's great. I mean, I'm just like he was just great. He wasn't. He only yelled at me once and he wasn't yelling at me. He was yelling about this thing with his son from his first marriage was driving him bananas about something because he has has three children from his first marriage and then Max, he has with Anne Bancroft, but he has four kids. You don't really hear about that, right? Yeah. And then, you know, they're all adults and parents are all in their fifties and sixties. And there's his son was driving him crazy and he was like, do you ever does your daughter ever do this? this is so he wasn't yelling at me. Yeah, but he was yelling. And and I was like, this is what it's like when Mel Brooks yells at you. Yeah. yeah, That's crazy. That's amazing. Though. He is a really terrific person. Yeah, I really is. Yeah. Someone like that. Were you okay with what he did to you? I mean, you know, like in the basement. Sure. I mean, Well, I know we don't have to talk. About me at that age. Yeah, well, you know, I mean. The definition of cute and from the back. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Next thing. Next thing. You know, all Jed's a millionaire. And. Now he is great. He was really great. It's nice. I just, like, try to focus on the good stuff. Yeah, well, I had, like, a few days writing with Penny Marshall. What was that? Yeah, great. I mean, she also very funny. She. She had cancer, and. And I'm already laughing. I know. If that wasn't enough to get me to sign on, but she was just really funny. She was mostly worried about her dogs, which made me like her. Now it hurt her dogs are named after basketball players. funny. Hello? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And Garry Marshall is her brother, correct? Yeah, I thought it was her father. I've always thought. Yeah. Have you not seen that scene in Hocus Pocus that they play together? No. Husband and wife? No, no. She catch he's dressed like Satan in the witches. Think he's real Satan. So they're like kissing his ass and like, loving on him. And then curlers in and her hair in a bathrobe. Penny Marshall comes in and she's the jealous wife. Get shattered ass out of my house. and this is a movie with Bette Midler, correct? Yeah. All right. Written by my neighbor. Who? Mick Garris. Really? Jeez. Do you have, like, any of their old costumes I can borrow? I could ask him, but he's also a giant horror movie writer. Director? How fantastic Hocus pocus it was. The original a get changed, but it is what he wrote. But he's he's one of these guys, a lovely guy. You know, we met through people and then I was like, Where do I live? Round the corner, fuming because my neighbors. that's. Awesome. And it's a timeless movie somehow. No shit. I think they're making a sequel like they did Broadway. It's all right. It's got poor lighting. All right. They seem like they spend, like, an hour in a CVS, so they've recreated, like, CVS lighting. And I'm like, you know, And this century, Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, they need they need nineties lighting. Yeah. He wrote she's also writes novels And I go, God, I draw. I don't know. I kind of went right on and I'm so afraid it'll suck because, well, the first one I wrote, I wrote it and I didn't know if it was garbage or it was okay. So I sent it to Stephen too. So I sent it to Steve and he read it. I go see King and he says. I love it. Jack Benny has a long beard about why he never wrote a book. He finally wrote it when he read it is like it's not good enough. So I gave it to my good friend George Burns. He's like, It's not good enough. He's like, Is it because we're too close? So I gave it to my wife, Mary. She says, It's no good to go. Is it because we're too close and just keep going down the line and finally decide it is good? I just don't have good friends. So beautiful. I love. That's really good. Have you ever read the Leslie Nielsen's autobiography? No. Read it. It it'll make you think you can write a book. But I loved. Every line as a joke. There's one line I've. Heard a couple of I read a story about Priscilla Presley and like 1967, like on the set of like Girls, Girls, Girls, and Leslie Nielsen had the fart machine then. my God. Still giving up and hit on her. Wow. Hit on Elvis Presley's wife on the set of an Elvis Presley movie. Yeah, Balls. But he has got ball. He was like. Yeah, I thought you that you're going to say he did it all with a fart machine. But I. Mean this on an unlimited supply. Lady. Well, I mean, this came from. I'm sure living with Elvis, it sounded exactly like a fart machine and you know it sure. Yeah. Yeah, right. And then towards the end, not at all. Golden of. Iron. He was so handsome, though, that. But yeah, the undigested was that you know what, The undigested because he took over. He was. I know you're saying Elvis. Yeah. He was an opioid freak towards the end and he had a lot of. Yeah, he had the John Wayne thing where there's. Like, impacted. Yeah. There's like tons of red meat and shit. In your colon. Yeah, that was the thing with John Wayne right. In your ear. Not what you'd think, but also. Well, also he got cancer because of the American government which is the. Hilarious. yes. You know. John Wayne. Full of contradictions. Draft dodger in World War Two. Yeah. Debt service in World War Two then made a film called The Conqueror that they shot in Nevada downwind of a nuclear test site. And the government. No, you're fine. There's no problem at all. And everybody. I can't. Yeah, I guess my head was in that as well, correct? Yeah. They all got how good. Of a. Fallout. Yeah. Yeah. And there was a famous I think was one of the Mankiewicz's was the director of the writers of everybody. Yeah I love that. You know if you worked with barrels, if you made barrels, your last name was Cooper. you're a blacksmith or a medal. Smith You were last name is. Smith, Correct. MOOREHEAD Wait a minute. I'm taking a dramatic step. I love. MOOREHEAD Yeah. I'm still thinking on. This is when we need a sponsor because we could take. Lot Yeah. You're you've always been interested in like horror movies and stuff. Yeah, like. Forever. Yeah. Well, before I was into comedy. Yeah. Yeah. I have to say something to give some of Dana's back story. He has two two older brothers. Four. you had four? I don't even know. my gosh. Okay. Because I think of things in photos. I'm sure you're. Sure you're. The fifth. Yeah. Yeah. For older brothers and. A younger. Sister. But they weren't interested in any of this. You were kind of you had influence yourself as to. Yeah. Yeah, they did like horror movies. That's how I saw them. And at the time I was growing up, they were really into the show called Dark Shadows. I remember. Yeah. Yeah. So that was how I was introduced to it. But they were all athletic athletes and hunters and fishermen, and I wasn't into any of that. So did your dad think like that? You were. My dad thought no, my dad thought I was gay. And when it became obvious in my young adulthood that I was not really couldn't square it. They could. Couldn't understand. You don't like to hunt? Yeah, I didn't want to hunt. Do you? Fish Didn't play sports. Very good sports. Was interested in. Sports. But do you like men in capes? I was. I was mad for men. Yeah, especially Liberace. Yeah, but. But it wasn't gay, and he just couldn't make it work. I was ready to accept. Yeah. Yeah, I was ready to go for it. And, you know, and. And, you know, they now they. He has gay relatives and they're all he's okay and they're all okay, and you just don't know them. I had been hearing I was like, really psyched to me and met your dad at your wedding. Yeah, we were a sweet guy. I mean, you know. Well, yeah. 92. Yeah. He's not going to be an asshole. Yeah. I mean, that guy drunk at 40 and, you know. yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, that's just me. No. When in Boston, we were comics. You were still in Emerson when we met? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we were. We were children, too. Children doing stand it. Yeah. When you got into entertainment, was horror anything you wanted to do or you were already in a comedy? My theory was I was going, I was going to become a saint. I was going to go do stand up and become a famous actor who was going to become a famous movie star. Sure. I would become so famous that they would let me write movies for myself. Fantastic. And I could write a horror movie and be in it. It was the most circuitous way of becoming a writer. You can imagine, right? Well, I was in one of the first films I was ever cast in and not cut out of was a short film that. Yeah. Night on Java Island. I Can we have a link to it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was. You, me, Kathy Griffin and Brian posing directed by Troy Miller. What is it called? A night on Java Island. It's a cute little movie. That was and it was very newer and I think that was when too I remember thinking that Dana and I both, like, had this sensibility of the forties like that. We should have been there then or I don't know. I still do. That's all I watch. I've wanted to be a closeted adult male my entire life and it was like, that's when I would have shined. Do you remember? Yeah. I just love him. You and. You and Lionel Atwill. yeah. Back door. You would have just been a confirmed bachelor. I That's. Right. My mom used to date those. yeah. And then, no, she got fixed up. Charles doesn't really. What is it? Just a confirmed bachelor? Yeah, he loves a NASCAR. Has he ever? Why? Hasn't he ever met anyone? I mean, I got. I remember there was an interview with Liberace, and they said, What kind of what kind of woman are you looking for, Well, she has to be nice. Just nice, really. I was. I am. I think it's. Nine inch penis. Yeah. Yeah, I was a writer on a show. A woman with a a fat long clitoris. I was a writer on a show called Stark Raving Mad, which starred Tony Shalhoub and Neil Patrick Harris. Wow. And it was Neil Patrick Harris. And it was first show after Doogie Howser was a young man not yet out. correct. And he was doing press. And I happened to be in the interview with him just like we were in. We were in his dressing room going over the script or something. And they came in because I just day and and I liked it. So the woman asked him, this is the early aughts or late, late nineties, early aughts, What is what is the perfect woman would be? And he said Ariel from The Little Mermaid who fun fact doesn't have a vagina. But behind the interview room. And I shook him off like a like a baseball pitcher, shaking off a call from a scheduling. Well, you know, if she was a person now. I got that slide show. What was that what you directed. The I just a writer. no, no, no. The movie that Laura was. In, I know she wrote it and it was an it's this is a tune. Is great. It's really funny. Yeah. It's just. How was Laura as an actress? Well. geez, this whole this whole podcast has been leading up to this intervention. I stopped trying. I know. Stop acting. Well, you. Know, I finally. I still always try it. And in fact, when I did a curb with Albert Brooks playing his girlfriend, man. And the first thing I said was, I might have to put my hand on your knee so that I don't get cut out. And he was so funny. Like in the second he goes, I might like that. I mean. He's brutally funny. Yeah. Lisa Kudrow he's so intimidated. I don't know. I think I because I just had I had just had my brain aneurysm like. Sure. All right. We have to drink every time Laura mentioned. I know because then I feel like, you know, what do I have to lose? And I was intimidated. But yeah, but then I wound up giving him a line and he wound up giving me a line. At the end, we were in bed. You know, you ahead of time. You don't think Or maybe he did. Well, he. Because he's friends with or Janine. Yeah, I know. And I think I met him with, with while Louie was doing a a little animated thing with him. Right, right, right. And so anyway, at the end we were doing a scene watching his funeral. That's what the episode was about. And and I said, Well, if you want, why don't I like, I'll try and get near you. And you you can say, can we have sex after the funeral? And he said, okay. And we said, and then he gave me a line, which was when he when I guess. Yeah. Larry was giving his eulogy and saying that, you know, nobody loves God like this guy, you know, like Albert Brooks and I. And he said, and you can say, because I was supposed to be a Christian, And I sort of and he said, then just say, is that true? Did you really convert? And then so but that's what I think later. And so I said, Is that true? Do you really? Are you kidding? You were in bed together. it's really funny. I don't know if that was a high point. He's got. No, he's that's. That's as good as it gets. Yeah. That's as fast and funny as it gets. Yeah. It's like he was so terrifying. Funny throughout that episode too. Like, even at the end, he was yelling out to to Jon Hamm, like, but by the way, Mad Men doesn't hold up and that's really like it's supposed to be. Chris And and what was what was handsome John Hamm's response Yes it does. Beauty and comedy. Lisa Yeah. Does she listen? Yes. And those are the rules. Yeah. Yeah. Lisa Kudrow just she filmed the movie with Albert Brooks and they were in a restaurant scene, and every 10 minutes reset the food and they bring a new plate. He would sing happy Birthday, Happy birthday every time. She's like, by the ninth time. That's not funny. But the 10th time, it's hilarious. Yeah. he's a great, stern guest. I love Albert Brooks. Has he been on tour? Yeah, he's old school. I think it's been. Have you seen the documentary on him? Yeah, There's one on HBO. They call that Rob Reiner made because they went like they've been friends since they were, like, ten. Is it? I think. My life. I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. It's almost. He was so influential to me. It's almost like I'm almost too close to it to see. Have you been to the Comedy Museum in Jamestown? I have not. So they have. When Mel would go visit Carl. Right. And every day they have the chairs, they would sit in. You're kidding me. And the Mel chair. The armrest is like rubbed away from where he would just leave and Mike lean in to talk to like. yeah, yeah. Have you ever would you imagine yourself ever going in there and sniffing the seat? I asked if I could touch the Lucy dress. I they looked at me weird after I was in there for too long, but they let me sit in Garry Shandling's chair and his talk show for the Larry Sanders Show, and they go, Well, we don't let everybody do this. But I literally asked if I could sniff Lucy's dress and they said no. Well, I was working with Mr.
Brooks every day at about 2:00. The the secretary of it's Mr. Reiner. Why? And then we'll pick up the phone. Hello, darling. my God. I love that. And they would figure out where Mel was going to get dinner and bring it to his house. And they were going to watch TV, usually Vici. And he would get two chicken whatevers. And after the show, after we after the show, after we would work, he would finish up his admin and go to Carl's house. They'd have dinner and watch TV. Mel would go home, he would stay up. Mel steps about two in the morning and then, you know, sleep in, get up, go see his grandson in Venice. Yeah. And then come into work. Did you go did you meet Carl Reiner at that point? I never met. Carl. Macro. I never. Would just. Hear because I would go to his house. yeah. And then you know what? They would watch. Whenever they would whenever they would watch one of the shows that they did love that Mel actually turned me on to, which is a great show, was called Babylon Berlin. You would love Babylon. I do love Babylon. Berlin. Yeah. I watched two things in front of it to I think there was the Deutschland. Is that part of that series? I don't know. You know, Babylon, Berlin and and faraway Frankfurt and whatever else is an attic. yeah. Know Babylon? Berlin. I've seen the two seasons as well. Could you, like, lean in and hear Carl on the other end of the receiver? Yeah. No, it was like. Yeah. but it was really funny. Emil said, like, Babylon, Berlin. You got to follow the story. Is that Carlos? Ah, pay attention. And like, he'll be all hell. I get distracted and then like, what's going on now? And I'll like, he just said, they just found out they were brother and sister. I love that. Damn it. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like we have to get together regularly and chuckle like that. Well, you and I were. We're starting to get on a regular schedule, but, you know, just. Yeah, just to laugh with friends like it means a lot. You say Carl Reiner was a huge influence on you. Is that what you know? Albert Brooks? Albert Brooks. Albert Brooks. Like, you know, I got into comedy because I was obsessed with George Carlin. I just thought he was the. Yeah, but then you know, after I moved to San Francisco and was a comedian and was working, I'd kind of got into Albert Brooks. You get a little bit older, your sense of humor gets almost sophisticated in. Waiting for them. And about what I what I loved about, like, like in terms of like writing like Carlin could would have was it was an editorial. You write editorials, you know, you're like take a subject this the Ten Commandments football you know whatever it was And he would literally write on it and hone it and that would be a piece. Wow. But Albert would and this is it came in handy a little bit later, was he would just tell stories about his life and made them funny like the the funniest thing on his first album is a story he tells about opening for Richie Havens. Wow. Well, is it comedy plus one comedy. Minus one minus one. Zero. Zero plus two. No, I think. I'm thinking of Godzilla. Mania. Am I thinking of you? Remember, I've had a brain aneurysm. Am I even here legally? No, But I even I was gonna say, I think what he also Albert Brooks is a great piano player to over. Is is well and that is and that album has auditions for the new national. Anthem right right right. I love that all young black thank you I but he would just tell and like when we started doing uncapped in the alternative shows it was just like come up with new material. After the new material, it was I would just like, think like Albert Brooks. All right. How would Albert Brooks tell a story? And that's really where I became what I do now still, in terms of being on stage. You're a horror fan, but you had comedy like Heroes. And what were you were you watching before you were a comedian? I watched, you know, Monster movies and Star Trek and Dark Shadows and stuff. But we also my mom, like we watched Carol BURNETT and Bodyguard show and I loved Barney Miller. Yeah, Yeah. man. That was so. Yeah, I watched that with my mom. Yeah. It was so smart and ahead of its time in so many ways. Yeah. And mean now is there are and you can see them on like antenna TV or me TV or whatever and you'll watch them and they'll just have like, What's wrong with you? I'm a heroin addict. I And then they'll talk and leave, you know? Yeah. Not every scene had a giant blow to it. Yeah, well. Well, Joe, I don't know. Maybe you shouldn't have gone to Vietnam. Duke. Duke did it. Well, gosh, I don't remember to that. I remember there was a a scene with, I couldn't even put my head around what it was, but I. He was a, you know, an openly gay character, you know, who was in jail quite a bit. what do you care? You know about that guy? I should know where it is. Yeah. The. The people in the street. Yeah, the stereotypes. Just so, like, especially, like, if you ever watch Starsky and Hutch or Baretta. The black pimp best friend, which was the gay best friend of the early seventies, did the black pimp informant of he Corgi Bear. yeah. Or Rooster. Yeah. Which was. Red or white. Hat the size of a beach umbrella. Yeah. And that big feather. Yeah. You're a sucker. And you're just like, Wow, this is a sketch. But yeah. no. And I remember when this was on, like, I remember this being on TV. I remember seeing one of the hardened prostitutes that I hoped would get with Wojnarowicz. Well, sure. Why do you do that? Why do you do anything? You know, like said, well, why do you do anything? I don't know. I mean, you don't have to do that, though. Yeah. Are you going to book me or what? Yeah, I. Love this way. And remember Inspector Luger, he was just the greatest. The guy that I went by. yeah. my God. How you doing? Whoa. Joe, here is the Manchurian Candidate. He's a genius. He's Angela Lansbury's husband in The Manchurian Candidate. Yes. His big actor, James Gregory, was a big actor. I love that. And it's beautiful. As General Ursus in Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Amazing. And I was I hired. On Bonnie the Good The Only Good humans are dead body. Well, that reminds me of like, you know, all the all the people that we've seen like on TV is, is comics were you know, before that were incredible actors in movies like. Right. I like Walter Matthau in a Face in the Crowd. I guess I saw that again. I don't know. Like he gives the speech at the end. Amazing. You know, what's going to happen. You know, you're not going to go away. You'll get a show, you'll be around. Dana Yeah. And people will say, Whatever happened to him? He used to be so big. And then and then behind Lonesome Rhodes is the next guy that's going to replace him, Right? Right. And that's a young rip torn. No. God. Okay, now I got to see it yet another time. Yeah. Holy hell. Lucille Ball's last public appearance is the 89 Oscars, and she comes out with Bob Hope, and it's Walter Matthau that does the intro. What? Introducing these next two or the only thing that could get me to come out of Pacoima. Has two. Words with a C in it are funny. Videos. And without anything else, think of Bob Hope, Lucille Ball and they come out. It's the best thing ever. The only thing to get me out of Pacoima. wow. So funny. There's a great. He's on Carson. I always watch the show. Carson is so funny. One thing it's interesting is how they really take their time. It's not like he tells stories. yeah. And, you know, they'll be like, anyway, but Walter Matthau tells us tells this joke on The Tonight Show. On The Tonight Show. He goes, So these three old guys, Johnny, they're sitting around the retirement home. And the first guy goes, I would be happy if I could just have a good urine, if I could just pee, it'd be great. It would be great if I could just pee. And then the second guy goes for me, it's bowels. If I could just have a good bowel movement, everything would be great. And Leno, Yeah. And then? And then he goes. The third guy, John, the third guy goes, you know, every morning. And I am. I pee like Niagara Falls, like a fire. It all comes up continuous stream. And then about 815, you should see the bomb like redwood, like a fallen redwood. The other guy, there's a what's the problem goes, I don't get out of bed until nine. Yeah, yeah. my works if you just place it out. yeah. You see Johnny lose his mind. He just posted, like, a few days ago. It's Jack Benny on David Frost. it's an hour and a half interview, and Jack doesn't have a fast delivery ever. No, but he's taking so much time on his story. And Johnny Carson is doing Jack Benny. my God. Yes. there's a special. There's a Jack Benny special with him on it where he plays his son, where Johnny played Perfect Son, and they beat the door and they do the thing. wow. I know you. Did. You know that at the bottom of Jack Benny's pool in Beverly Hills, there was an octopus. So when you looked at the octopus through the water, it would animate the legs. I have met the son of the people who live in the house currently, and I just realized it's the octopus. Still, the bottom of the pool is like, Yeah, my mom can't wait to get rid of it. let me touch it. I want to sniff. It like when we get there. I love those. I love those, like, math of things. They're like, Yeah, he took this and this, and that's how we came up with this thing. You took that and that. And then he came up with the Say Yes. Yeah. And there's tons of those in music. Correct? Yeah, it's like the formula, but like Jack, I love the TV show Jack Benny. There's a lot of rehash radio scripts, but he ever watched his television show? I know, I know that that was the basis of It's Garry Shandling Show. I had. No just talking because he would break the fourth. Did you right on that show? No, no, no. But my college friend did. Ed Solomon wrote on that. Show that Solomon. Later went on to write Men in Black. And now you see me Now you don't know all these giant movies. wow, Bill and Ted. And they can create all these giant movie franchises. That's crazy. Yeah. What is your. He's done much better than I have. No, no. You've done pretty good, though. You're in a lot of, like, epic TV and and movie stuff. I mean, for me, it's The Simpsons. Like you're in your beloved. Yeah, I. Know. You think? Yeah. I don't know any comic that everybody loves. Dana. You were what you're like season for. The. Simpsons 13 to 20. Okay. So the show had been on for a minute and was already Zeitgeisty. Absolutely was a 13th season. Yeah, but you're like to enter a show like that for 13 years before. Were you just a fan or like, how is that? It was, yeah. So. it's awful. So did you get it? Did they make you do a spec script? And that's what they do. You know, people I tell people are they hate my guts. George Meyer, who is a Simpsons writer, sure would often go to on Cabaret. He loved comedy and he was just he was a fan of mine and knew my work. And he also knew my girlfriend at the time who was an agent, and then later my wife. And then she was talking to him. And so that I was looking to get to start writing for various reasons and I had a couple that was on a couple of shows and then I wasn't. And they they asked if I would be interested in coming over to The Simpsons a day a week to punch up jokes, and it was so arrogant at the time. I was like, Well, I can only go Monday or Tuesday because Wednesday I usually go on the road. Yeah. I would cut the ad pompous. that's amazing. He said. Okay, come in on Tuesdays. And I did that for six months. I think that one day a week and it took you know, it took a long time to get the algorithm of the show. Yeah, Yeah. I remember the first joke I got in and then and then one day I came in out of my crap, and Mike Scully, who ran the show, said, Hey, you know what? I think your contract is up. And I was like, I'm so sorry. I'll get out of here. And he just said, Do you want just come every day, And I said, Yeah. And he goes, I'll call your agent. And then he went, Zucker Well. Fantastic. Yeah. No, it's a it's a great story. Yeah. And everybody should have that story. Like. I am bubbling up with envy right now. I'm thinking, Hey, I was at the King on camp, too. Why do they hate you? Are you come in and punch up now. You're in as loud as I was. That's why I was funnier. I was louder. Yeah, that's what I used to say. It's like, you know, if you are in an audition and they say, okay, let's try it again this way. And then my advice is, do it exactly the same way, but louder. That's what I find myself doing. Like take nodding, taking the note and going, Hey, yeah, I thought. I think that's part of one of Joan Rivers like her autobiography. One of them is Enter Talking is because you're trying to create the noise from the other room. So you come in. really? Enter talking. man, come in. Quiet. Coming in loud. So be like, What is that? And you mention there's a documentary called Immediate Family, which is a documentary about them. It's a sequel to a documentary called The Wrecking Crew, which is about the studio musicians and the. yeah, Glen Campbell, all those guys. yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was made by this guy, Danny Tedesco, who is the son of the famous guitarist of The Wrecking Crew, Tommy Tedesco. And he made this documentary, Hal Blaine, Carol Kane, all these people that every song that came out of Southern California. Wow. In the late sixties, mid to late sixties, was all of these studio musicians. The immediate family is the next generation of those guys. In the early seventies, other people, Jackson Browne and Fleetwood Mac and Three Dog Night and and all these people up into the seventies and eighties and I met because Danny's very good friend and I met this guy, Leland Sklar, who has his long hair, long beard, but he's been on every album, you've heard since 1970. He was on Saturday Night Live the first night Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd did the Wild and Crazy guy. wow. Because he was Jackson Brown's bassist. Wow. Musical guest. amazing. Yeah. And she's going to be somebody that Leland Sklar is like, whoa! In everything. He's been an Asian, everything you've ever heard. Yeah, he's got a switch on his bass. Like all toggle switch that does nothing at all. He just has so. And producers go, Can you maybe play it a little? There you go. Hang on a minute. Okay. Let's try it this way. my gosh. And they always go, great. Thank you. And my like, Yeah, that is brilliant. Yeah. Wow. Okay. The like Laurel Canyon 70. It's like it's a Fleetwood Mac. All of that business. Like, I think the the corner store. Whatever the country store in that. Place, like Mick Fleetwood pulled over to buy something and that's when he I forget who he ran into, but that's when he had the discussion about whether or not he should invite Lindsey Buckingham. Into the group. I believe it. I That's my neighborhood store. Yeah. And my there's a couple of funny stories about that. None funnier than my daughter. We had this running gag that it wasn't real. And whenever I would go to the store, which is, Where are you going? I am going on the country saw. No, really, where are you going? And then I drive by the store to take her to school in the morning. Go see. There she goes Daddy Jessie trees I a lot And she would put notes in my closet. Note to self the in quotes store is real. That's really funny. Yeah, I know. She's so funny and that was like Jim Morrison the behind it. Yeah. And my brother who's really into that you know Yeah. Era that was I was he was like is the country store still around like it's still around at the end of the street. Yeah. We're going to probably go there on the way home. What are we? We had to go to church every Sunday, which drove me nuts. And one of the things that really gets under my skin is like preacher in flight when they get. Yeah, right. Because they want you to get the lesson, right? Yeah. Right under my skin. Right. And it makes me crazy. So we had this sermon with this minister who was like a young, cool minister, but he went, his whole sermon was he went to the last Doors concert and how loaded Jim Morrison was. And he had a lampshade on his head and just sat at the end of the stage and staring while the band was playing and what drugs had just ruined his life. And I remember being a kid. Interesting. Like cool. I would have loved to have been there. that's amazing. Yeah, that's a shame that that concert was wasted on that guy. Precisely. But I. I did think I sold my soul for a quarter once when I was a kid, I called that same minister to talk me off the ledge, and he did something. So he sat up. What? What a quarter Like, what do you mean? I was a kid in school and there was a honey bun for $0.25. I said it like The Simpsons, where Bart sells a soul. And he said I would sell my soul for a quarter and then checked my pockets again and there was a quarter and what did I just do? So I was legit afraid. Here's a you might not get the service, but. Laura Kightlinger Well, you know who has a great Doors concert story? Mike Donovan My God, I was thinking about Mike Donovan because I was thinking about just seeing you today and about all the comics from then and Boston accents, but he used to be onstage with this Prince Valiant haircut. If I'm not saying quick, quick. With a trim comb, he cut his own hair with a trim comb. But what was. What was great? Well, what. Was he was he was doing it in a way. He wasn't calling people. Grr. Never making fun of people that call everybody queer. yeah. That gave a queer guys a queer. Yeah, because he's on five guys in a Volkswagen. Called me a queer. I'm on my way to sell his house to get blown. Dan Spencer would always go. To who? Sally. what was this Doors story? His dad was a cop. His dad was a cop. I. Think now I know. And his dad worked when the doors played the Boston Garden in 1968. His dad worked the concert, and he goes summer camp, 12 years old, and I'm waiting in the lobby long after the show is over because I get to leave with my dad. My dad took me to the show so I could see the show, but then I had to wait for my dad to literally lock up the Boston Garden. So I'm a 12 year old kid. I'm standing there and I look, there's a couple of people milling around the lobby and they look and Jim Morrison comes walking down the hall with a girl on each arm. She's like walking with his arms around these girls. And he sees me, I see him, and we just got to lock eyes. And he doesn't want me to make like a big deal because there's other people in, the lobby. But he just walked up to me and he just goes, Hey, man, I haven't seen you in a long time. Why scare me? I scare the shit out of me, right? So then it's almost like he thought maybe maybe he was tripping and thought he was seeing himself. That I think, was just being angry. Me. And I think he's just being funny. yeah, that's funny. I waited tables forever, and when I would drop the check out, or if people asked for the check, yeah, I would go, This is the end. And only once this old man goes, This is the end, my friend. thank you. Nobody ever gets that reference. And he goes, Well, I actually open for the doors. I go, What? He's having lunch with his daughter. I goes, Well, actually, I opened for Janis Joplin, who opened for the doors at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. Cher was like, Tell me everything. And it was like he and his brother in a band and they were somehow won in like a radio contest or something. Something happened and they were under eight. I think they were 14. So they were at the in line at the bar, and Janis Joplin's in front of them and she was, okay, boys, you want a beer? And they weren't old enough. So she bought them a Coke, each bottle of Coke, and they still had like the bottle cap. Wow. I looked at this daughter. I go, That's a maze. And before I could finish the dad, she doesn't give a shit. Of your dad. Nor should she. Nor should. Is that her job? I thought that was incredible. My daughter is a character on The Simpsons. Yes, my daughter Lulu is Ling Bouvier. Salma Bouvier as adopted daughter from China. I wrote the episode. The design is based on my daughter's baby photo and. She's. In character on the show now. So the show's on just, you know, background shows on Look Up and Lou's during her homework and there's Ling Bouvier, and I go, honey, that's you. And she goes, Yeah and they go, No, that's you. That's the character I wrote. Wow. Who's your baby picture? That's you. And she just goes, Yeah, I like Bob's Burgers. that is. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. But that's, that's doing your job and doing and not supposed to think your dad's cool. I am obsessed and envious and jealous and amazed at your friendship with Marilyn or me. Tempura. When we worked together, you brought it up, which I would. I didn't even know you were friends with her. But I always bring it up. I would. I know you've talked a lot about. You two will eat. You have a lot in common. I don't want to. Like with TV lore. Questions that you've been asked before. When? Okay, So you told me about your friendship. Yeah, we were working. So to ask you a zillion questions, then I did. And then I remember asking you, I go, When's the last time you saw her? And you said, When I put her in the ground. Or in the ground. Then I. Google. I was like, She's the Hollywood forever. So I went there and I. Put her in the ground the. First time I ever Ruby was right after we worked. And I was going intentionally to see her and I pulled in and it's a big place and I was like, I'll just park and then I'll Google where to find her on the map. And I drove in and I parked, and when I Googled it, I went, and I looked out my. Window right there. There she was yelling. I didn't know. They didn't have to move in it. Yeah, I wish it was a bigger stone. Were you. Were you say again Who were who you're talking. About Kyra, Myla Nermeen. Her name is Myla. Her name is Milo Mylan. Me? I didn't know that. Yeah, but the one thing I can't really believe is that because you met her in, like 90. Five Five. Okay. Edward had just come out. Yep. So there was a People magazine article that published her name and I did not know her real. I just knew her as Vampira. So she took. And this is when you were becoming an her and her friend? I took a bag of quarters to my junior high because I didn't want to get long distance calls at home. You know what I mean? And I put all the quarters into call. Information and loss didn't have a. Number then. Because I wanted to. I don't know. I don't feel that way about famous people. But when I sure knew how, I was like, I want to be her friend. Sure. I don't know anything about her. Just me that I don't think she had a phone till like 2000. And you were doing that when I. You were living the part of the life that I wanted at that time. Funny. I find that to be so remarkable. that's funny issues. I loved her. She was great. Also. Also really funny and really sweet. My favorite interview with her is where she talks about why. Why the quarters was there like a place. On pavement, you know. What I mean? You could call a number to put. In about $5 to call out of state just to get like information at the. Station to station. not a trunk. Not a trunk. Call me. No, my mom worked at the phone company, but I still thought, like, was she. Still a button? Willow? Five, six, five, two. Yeah. That's what I thought. Like, you know, like in Teen Beat and all that stuff. They had, like, three places you could call to hear their voice, you know, or whatever. I don't know. I. Listen, I also tried that because I tried to call I use that to call Paula Abdul. And I ran up like $100. wow. Because it was paid for. She has a really funny interview with talking about Orson Welles walking in on her. His carcass. Yes. And then the interview kind of pauses and she goes, That's it. I won't mention anything about him giving me the clap. Clap? Yes. You know, but I she said to me, everybody calls him a cinematic genius, but to me, he'll always be the son of a bitch that gave me the clap on a USO tour. That's incredible. That's. That's amazing. She also hung out with Elvis. There are photos of her with Elvis, the not apocryphal. I hung up with Elvis when he played Vegas in 56. Wow. Before he broke before Hound Dog and was James Dean's bestie. there's interviews where she goes. I told Jimmy not to drive so fast on Sunset Plaza. See is the photo of her with the bandaged man. It's after he after it's died. The man is a friend of theirs. And they are at a Halloween party. Yes, but he is going. Is James Dean. And he was their mutual friend. Correct. So it's not like a dig. So did you create Barbarella? No. Barbarella was created by Kevin Curran, very funny writer on the show has since gone to heaven. But he I remember that it was funny. I remember the day he came up with it and I was friends with by that point. And everybody knew I was friends with my like, really? She would call you up because I would use my friend. I would tell stories about we go to lunch once a week and I'd tell whatever she said, you know? And so when he comes to be real, he goes, Yeah, well, there was and the joke was really funny. And I didn't come up with this joke either. And I'm ashamed of myself for not coming up with the show. They were watching the movie, and the movie was Blacula versus Black Dracula. wow. Yeah. Like, my. God, come up with that. Like. Shame to myself. I'm like. Somebody better get this specifically. Yeah, let's in 2 minutes on this title. But he said, Yeah, Barbarella. But he said, I think she should look more like like Elvira. Yes. the big hair and the boobs. And he looked at me and went, Is that okay? It's just. It's fine. I always find this because Milo famously tried it. Sued? Yeah. Elvira. Twice, I think. Right? Yeah, she got she got screwed. But it really wasn't Cassandra Peterson's fault. It was. It was. It was the people. However, I think because I'm a huge Charles Addams fan, I collect all of his books. And Myla 100% says she saw the Trump Addams drawing in a cartoon and fashioned the costume and wore to a party. And yeah boom And there's now that photo of that party is has surfaced has yeah send me I'll send you. my God That's amazing. Yeah. Because I live close to the studio where they films her TV show, which. Yeah, over in Los Feliz. But I just am so like, I love that you got to spend time with her. And I was like, What was that like? Did she ever do voice on the show? No. The most she did was she I took her to a couple of those celebrity autograph shows they used to have at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn on Vineland. You know, people loved her and she would make cash and and once she was sitting next to Gary Busey. Wow. As I like to call him, Gary drug abuse. yeah. And he was being just, you know, bananas. And Milo, like, had a big smile on her face and she waved me over and she goes, I need to move. man. And you have one of her fingernails. Yes. And you. Have. I mean, she gave it to me and and I. Right. Well, Dana, they didn't call it a pimp back then. Okay? It's for. Autographs. You also have a UFO from plan nine, right? I have one of models in plan nine and then one of the models from Ed Wood. really? Yeah, From the opening. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I held that, and I was really afraid. Are you sure? Spooky. When you hold it in your hand, Bob. Bob Burns, who gave it to me. He has a ton of props in his house. He has the armature. That was King Kong, the 18 inch ball and socket armature. And where do you get that? RKO Studios. Because when Lucille Ball sold it, she sold every last thing with including Star Trek. wow. They found in Star Trek set under the floorboards dinosaurs and King Kong. Wow. Yeah. I said who would want these? And Bob Burns collects all this stuff. Give it to Bob. He was the sound engineer at CBS. Amazing. People throughout his life would give him these things. And if you go to Bob's house and you, he has King Kong in the table, but he will go pick it up. Hold it. Wow. Yeah, hold it in. You know, I was looking for a weird, weird prop because I thought this there were so many of them. I was looking for a pod from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. That's a good. One. And they were like watermelons. They're this, you know, And everybody, like. I might have, I could find out. really? My mom always tells the story about she that made her literally puke. She was in the movies watching, the pod people. She had to run out and she barfed in the theater. because I said I would love for you to get one. We can send it to my mom. okay. Yeah. I'm just obsessed with that era. I really love the Ed Wood era. I love, like, the fact that you get to come across all that cat. My wife just said, Are you all having fun without me? this is so great. You know, this is what I was thinking about. Why? This is, like, kind of such a good time in life for me anyway, is that I'm alive, but also that, like my friends, I like their spouses. I mean, like I, you know, I love cat or your wife, but it's like when we start out stand up and this is what bring you back to Drake's either you'd always, if you have to go to a gig or do something, or you drive with somebody and then you'd get there, their girlfriend, you get their boyfriend, you get somebody on the phone you didn't want to talk to. And I think it was Drake, or maybe it was you who said, you know, you call and you get their girlfriend or there's, you know, the spouse on the phone. You go, hi, is Bob there? No. Can I can I talk to the answering machine? Yeah, that's great. Yeah, because this like this and like, because now I feel like I. Can talk to the answering. Machine. Yeah, All the comics that I know now. Like, I really like their spouses, too. Like, it's fun to be around all, you know? Yep. That's. That's true. Drake had a story. I think it sounded fake, but it was true because we lived next pretty close to each other, and we went on the road together a lot and he'd tell the story and it sounds like a sweaty joke, but he only tells it because it really happened. He lived off Olympic and on Olympic, right? And one day knock on the door and he opens the door because this is the guy and he goes, Can I use your bathroom? And before Drake get a chance to ask me, the guy goes, I have diarrhea. And Drake goes, I thought you just had urine. Yeah, but. But if you're going to have expert blows, diarrhea. By all means, come here. with that, I remember him telling that if. You're going to blow shit all over my bathroom. on train you. That's an emergency. yeah, Yeah. my God. God. Dear man. Do you like performing standup? yeah. I love it. It's so something. You. Yeah. Yeah, I feel like I've like, it's like a 360. Almost like you love it. You're excited about it first, then it becomes like a real, you know, just a race to the finish. And then if you stop for a bit, you start liking it again 100. Percent, 100%. And like, I have to like I, I you probably the same situation. I have two careers, like I have my writing career, which is how I support myself and my children and my family and then my standup crew, which I just do for fun. Yeah. You know, and I do it because I love it. And I go on the road and I do specials and stuff, but it doesn't pay for my life. And my little agents are like, Do you still do that? Do you go on the road? Yeah, they like to it because nor should they. It's not their job. It's not their you know, they don't and you know, they don't care. And I was I was telling my agent about hanging with Dr. Z. Which is a a not a phenomenal, hilarious show. And you got to watch what. That way that's you. Because like that, you know, I don't if they've got bigger fish to fry. You know, it's Yeah. We're trying to find the next guy to write Thor. Yeah. Yeah. You, you have a Planet of the Apes obsession, is that right? I do, yeah. Yeah, I think that's fair to say. Yeah. How do we feel about the timber? I know it's old school, but I don't. Like the Tim Burton one at all. But we really like the newer ones, the Matt Reeves ones. Okay, I'm excited about the new one. Yeah. I'm so territorial when the like a classic is remade or something, so I don't understand why anybody has to touch it. Yeah, the new ones, they're different. It's a different animal. No pun intended. I think Tim Burton is a genius. To me too. And only a genius could get that movie so perfectly wrong. you know, it would take a genius to make a movie about a Planet of Apes with a vast budget and, yeah, make it boring. man. Is that the one that Mark Wahlberg? Yeah. Okay, well, okay, this I have to profess a kind of a little bit of an obsession with Planet of the Apes, because when that when I heard that that was happening, I called my agent and said, Is there any ape that I could play? Like even? And they said, well, you know, you could, but you're going to be in a costume, you're going to be in a desert, you're going to be sweating your fucking ass off in a costume. Do you really want to do that? And then I said, No, I'm too much of a princess to be an extra in an ape concept. Dr. Z came from me wanting to be in the makeup. It started out in the Ben Stiller Show. I didn't get a chance to do it. Canceled by him. Yeah. I just wanted to be in the makeup and see what it was like. And that's how the whole thing happened. I think I told you this dinner I on Saturday night special, which there were only six episodes I wanted to do zero, and I got to wear kimono Hunter's fake Kim Hunter's muzzle. Yeah, yeah, I know. I don't know if we ever did, because the guy that's doing your makeup now, I think is the same person, right? Could it? Well, it could have been. There's. Yeah. The makeup is designed so that it's you can follow the numbers and put it on. okay. Because it when they did the movie, they had to have every makeup artist in Hollywood and other other productions slowed down because they couldn't get makeup people because they were all on Planet Apes. wow. And the guy, the designer, John Chambers, the guy that John Goodman played in the movie Argo Design it in such a way that it's paint by numbers, it's glue by numbers. You do all of that because what he didn't want is people giving it their own personal touches. right. I wanted them. All to look uniform. Right? It was just like ABC, TFG and you're done two and a half hours go. Yeah. And then he would work them for like two weeks before they ever turned to camera. Put it on, take it off, put it on, take it off. man. Yeah. Because I always thought to live with something like that and because, and this is slightly not related, but I love John Hurt so much. And, you know, I was thinking like when you. When he had the makeup on for the Elephant Man. Yeah. The cast thing that he had, you know, the prop or whatever, that the prosthetic, I should say, that was on his head weighed £20. So it was like the Elephant Man, because when he leaned back, he couldn't he couldn't lay back because he would, like, twist his neck or, you know, sprain his now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Same with David Merrick. Right. And so then I was like. No, Brooks produced that movie. that's right. And that with with Planet of the Apes like to get all that stuff on and then you forget your line. Like, I wonder what that. I mean, because I feel like I forget. Like, I don't know. come on, bright eyes. That okay, Lion King, asshole. We've been here of time. Yeah. I always thought it was that. I always was amazed that the horses didn't freak out. Like the horses not care that you're a gorilla. You're right. You're right. Ooh, yeah. The Ku Klux Klan horses are These goes. Yeah. So, but the Doctor Z thing is, is really fun because it's not me. So it's, it's I'm always so envious of Paul Reubens. yeah. God rest his soul. Yeah. But, like, to have a character that was not you, that you kind of do stuff and just. Put it on. Yeah. And then you're. And then you're you. Then you're done. You have your life. You go. Well, I saw you as Doctor Z and a TCM like I got. Ben. Mankiewicz. And that was so amazing because you were you're in character and you're answering questions and you were Doctor Z, You know, who is also in Dana's version. Doctor Z's kind of a, you know, an old Hollywood. Sammy Davis Jr. really? Yeah. Sammy Davis. Jr Okay. Well, it's evolved. It's evolved into Sammy Davis. Yeah, like you're like a brat. Packer Yeah. He's just like, in the new season, there's a thing where Jason Alexander I'm interviewing Jason Alexander. We're talking about the William Shatner roast, and he does a very Sammy thing where he goes, Where's my camera? Bill when you hear this stuff, it points to his heart. It comes from here. It comes from the cat upstairs to here to you. One, two, three, four. William Shatner, pick up the phone. Yeah. That's amazing. I had no idea. But that's what makes it so hilarious. Is just. There's footage of, like, a full Rat Pack show. Feel like it's in, like, Saint Louis, Missouri or something. But. Yeah, right. And Sammy Davis is essentially the host and he has this whole set and then he brings out everyone, but he does an impression of every member of. The He's really good and. He's. Brilliant. Really good. So good morning, everyone. He does them all and it's really nice. But there's a there's here's Lucy Lucy was seventies television show. There's a rehearsal footage of it which now being fascinating because who's who is Elizabeth Taylor's husband, Richard Burton. He wrote for Spike saving pages about Lucille Ball and his book. what a charmless Monster she was. And think how bossy she is on set. We'll roll the cam footage, Richard. She's like, We need to be on our mark. And he goes, I would if you just get out of the way. And without blinking, she's like, That's not the point, dear. So there's like a lot I have. But the Sammy Jr stuff is fascinating because she's giving him line reads he can she has cards do you know what I mean? But he can't get through the line and she's trying to finish the sentence for him. She's telling him how to take a turn. He's going through like a what do you like, saloon door things do your turn sooner, Sammy. And now Sammy. And she's call them first name all the time. And then in the middle of it all, 19 what, 69. 70 off camera, you hear. God damn. They're giving the minorities a break. And in walks Desi Arnaz and Sammy Davis sits down and hammers on the thing, and he got divorced. Lucille Ball gets out of the way and they have this quick. She can. And then Lucy goes back to work. So Sammy goes back to work. And then Desi goes, I guess there's no breaks then and leaves. What is this on YouTube? Yes. my God. Turn it up. You hear him? But it's like watching Sammy direction from her, who's not the director. Right. And kind of get that and then see the respect he gives Desi Arnaz and stuff like that. Wow. But yeah, it's really fascinating because then he, Sammy Davis comes out and gives you see the little speech he gives at the end of the episode. So when he says giving minorities a break, he's kidding. Yes. because they have the guest star as a black man. Yeah. Yeah, right. Right. Yeah. I know. I guess I was just thinking, like, for a second like that he didn't see that it was Sammy Davis Jr. That was the whole, the like. And I think only he could interrupt the work that way, Right? I don't think anybody else could have interrupted her in the mirror. Yeah, yeah, sure. But she is definitely. There's a moment where she stops everything and goes, What cameras He work it in right now and they go, This one shows. And that's why I thought and that ain't right and she was right in the camera is really kind of rough. Wow. I see her reset. She grabs his forearm and she's like, I'm like, okay. And then she goes back to Lucy. It's gone wild. Wow. She was a yeah, a machine. I mean, she's brilliant woman. Yeah, I'm into it. She you see her talking to the cameraman and the lighting guy? Yeah. And she doesn't blink. It's like she's like, which what causes the shadows? And then she says something and she's like, Well, how? Why was it different 20 years ago when we invented it? Like, it's really not verbatim. But it's true, though they did invent the ability and the DP that did it with them. This guy, Carl Freund, who shot. Dracula. With Bela Lugosi. Jeez. And the good. Or did Mark of the Vampire. Grapes of Wrath or some shit. Like that? he did. Direct Mark of the vampire. And why does that make me think of our Freeling in the first cartoons with. The Patti Freeling. Fritz Freeling? Yeah. He started that Looney Tunes cartoons that had famous people in them. They're there. yeah. Like the Marx Brothers would be. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Like the caricature looking. Yeah, right. Tashlin. I don't know. I don't know. Tom Kenny would know. Yeah, we'll get him on the phone. But anyway. Down the hall. We. Review. They call. Sorry, they called. They called Carl Freud to work on I Love Lucy when he was working for the CIA and they had him trying to. They were trying to get a camera small enough that it could go inside. well. I think he was working on. When they well called him. The reason John Goodman played John Chambers in Argo was John Chambers, the makeup artist who designed the makeup supply, also worked for the CIA. Was. Designing quick disguises for secret agents in the field and for people that they would have to get out of Eastern Europe like they had a system, like the guy could walk into a room, into a store, like if they had a guy there trying to get out of the country and they knew they're being watched by the Stasi. They walk into a store and have like an over the head mask and an overcoat and get that guy. And then the the new new guy would walk out of the store in, like, 30 seconds. Wow. So it was clearly not the guy that walked into the store. What if they kept them waiting. For the first guy to come out and they realized we've come across. Them? What if they get their briefcases mixed up and they actually have a planet of apes and they're trying to get out their merchandise? You know. It's just a chimpanzee. We're fine. It just adds a chimp. Wait a minute. Well, that's obvious today. No, it just. I do. That. It's hilarious. and who? Dana Gould. Where can people see you live? And all this stuff? Let's do what you plug. Before we buy. Well, the thing that I like is hanging with Dr. Z. Season three is on YouTube now, hanging with Dr. Z. Which is hilarious. I love it. It's very funny. It's very stupid and brilliant. All my stuff is. I'm Dana Gould on all platforms. Dana Gould on all platforms. So we can check me out. People can find out. Even your agents can find out where. I'll make sure all my stuff is on my website. Dana Gould O'Connor. Instagram. Right. So it is funny. So you still do the clowning on the road. You're on your on the circuit. Hang on. And yeah. It's the letter M on line two. My yeah. This is great. Yeah. Well, yeah, so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.