What We Thought Would Happen
Stand-up comic and major player, Laura Kightlinger, talks to writers and performers on staying wealth-free and anonymous in the face of Hollywood celebrity, beard babies and untold millions.
What We Thought Would Happen
"Reclining nude on La Cienega" with Jann Karam
We sit down with the hilarious and lovely, Jann Karam to discuss her multiple appearances on The Tonight Show and David Letterman, starting comedy in Arizona, Catch a Rising Star, David Spade stealing Jann's material, Jann's one woman show, painting, rescuing cats, the current stand up special swamp, never doing your side work and obtaining from crowd work, f**k middle management and being surrounded by good friends.
WWTWH YouTube Channel
Laura Kightlinger
Twitter: @KingKightlinger
Insta: @laurakightlingerlives
Web: laurakightlinger.com
Jimmy Harry
Twitter: @bonsaimammal
Insta: @thejimmyharry
Web: jimmy harry.com
Welcome to what we thought would happen. And let's toast. My. The lovely and talented Jann Karam. I'd say, you know, the last time I. The last time Jann and I were together, we were in a show called Mermaids on Broadway, and we were both in a giant tank with swimming around. And Christina Ricci. Uh, zip up my tail. Yeah, it was me. It was. It was mermaids, too, then. Or maybe we were called. Maybe we were just called the Fish of L.A. or something. Ah, fish. Hollywood. Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, they might have swimming in a fish tank. Yeah, Yeah, we were swimming in a fish tank. Okay, Maybe it was a community theater thing. I don't know, but it got great reviews, and we were both, you know, very lucky. And we've been, what, barflies ever since? Bar fish? No, no. Jen was with me when I met Guyra. We came in. Oh, yeah? Yeah. The moment I was. Yeah, we were sitting in like a horseshoe booth. Mhm. Kings in a yellow rustic. Yeah. Yeah. And we had just on a show said let's go get a drink. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hang out with. I know. And we Jannn we had just done a show too was at the Improv. We were just at the Improv and then we went to get drink. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we went in your, in your I want to say you're like old lady Rich. Oh, God. What was it? You're not only. Like you were saying. Oh, shit, Jannn, I don't even have that car anymore. Yeah, Yeah, it to me, I mean, I was. Oh, son of a bitch. Really? Jannn, you should have reminded me. Well, you know what? I found out? It was rusted out all at the bottom. It would have been like giving you, like, a death trap. Like a four door. Yeah, it was pretty Perfect for you with your martini, you know? Well, we're both working it out, man. The car rusted out on the bottom, you know, tons of mileage and. But anyway, no, that was. Yeah. Oh. And then they came swarming in it for you, not for me. They just ignored me. No, no, no, no, no. It was Doug Millard and Garret Sutton. They were good, right? Yeah, they were friends. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he said no. I knew Doug from. We had just done a festival. We just met and Garrett at this festival. I think it was in Wilmington maybe. And then I guess Garrett told me later that he said, Oh, that's Laura Kightlinger. I've always wanted to meet her. So then we all met and Jannn, we were. Jannn and I were just going to drink and shoot the chicks. They didn't get to see each other that much. And when our drinks came, I said, Well, you know, not to be rude. I said, Well, you know, we're going to go see it. So, you know, if you guys want to join us. But remember, Jannn, I didn't think they were going to join us. And then 2 seconds later, they were right sitting with us. Yeah. Doug and Garrett. Yeah, my lad. He was at the boys on the end, of course. Yeah. Yeah. Then so it was Garrett and then me and then you and then Doug. So I had to talk to Garrett. Well, Doug was like, seem to be giddy on you. Oh, that. Garrett got your number or something? Oh, that's funny. I thought for sure, you know, But Garrett was the bigger too. I and Doug's married now. But here's the thing. I think you were supposed to be with Garrett, and I was supposed to be drunk alone. And look, I'm going to get in. This is something I always talk about. My long arms. I can't stand it. So I talked about her apex. And so this. I want to give this jacket to Jannn because she's normally proportioned. Look at her. Look at Jannn's grant. I look at your great rack. Let me objectifying you and your arms. No, that's not going to fit me. Jannn, look, you're going to be shocked, all right? I'm going to try. I I'll try, but it's not going to fit me. This is okay. This is going to humiliate me further. No, look, it's. It's pure. Oh, that looks good on you. See, that's great. With my with my garnet. But with that. But that looks much better on you. Okay, look. Okay, I have this on. Oh, no, no. You don't think so? No, I don't know. It doesn't fit. Look at your great rack. I think you're smiling on me. No, you're. We saw my mike. Look, you're so much smaller than me, I can't zip it. I don't. You're not the boss. Well, you're going to have both. All right? You've got both. I like this better on. You know, I think, like, if I had. If I was, like, walking around with it for the day, this would be up to my neck. No, it's just because. Look, I wore it once for my neck, and then I wore it today. For the show. Oh, oh, Cold and rainy. Look, this is it. This is Isabella DeMarco, though. Okay? What are you leaving with? It is perfect. I don't know. Like, you know what I do? I always. Yeah. Look beautiful. You. I always go like, I always go, like, on eBay or whatever. And I just go Italian designers, because a lot of them you don't even know about and. Well, that sounds like you could. Be any good shop. I know. I kind of. That's what I recall. I really want to do is shop. You should become a store detective. Yeah, I know. But then I would let people take stuff. No, didn't. Oh. This is just one of her. Fine. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty. Jannn, I like that. The garnet chips. Well, we know each other through stand up. Yeah. Do you remember when you met her in. Right. I don't remember either. Oh, I. Well, she's taken your clothes off and tried to show you another outfit. Then I tried to redress everybody, even if they don't want it. My put my shirt on people. Mm mm. I was so excited. I'm just glad to see you. You know, that's what I feel like. This is kind of selfish, this podcast, because it's like I get to see you and I get to see Jeanna get to see friends I never see. Right another way. Yeah, Yeah. That you don't have to go hang out in a comedy club. Mm hmm. Yeah. For for. I mean, a bar. Yeah. Oops. But, you know, I missed that. I realize that was my social life, and it was gone. And the pandemic hanging out afterward. You know, you like to hang. I do like hanging out after. Not hanging out before, but doing a set and then hanging out watching people. Yeah, I can't do either. Oh, really? Do the set and have to run screaming. Yeah, I heard you said that you don't like. You know, I get. I'm so nervous. Either way, I'm really bothering some of the comedians who might be trying to get prepared. Yeah, I don't know. Oh, or I think I did a shit job and I'm not loitering around here. Oh, pretend to like my said. Yeah, you know. What I mean? I think it all boils down to comedy. It all feels about me. Yeah, Yeah. Doing it anyway. Yeah, I know that. Like, I'm leaving without saying goodbye to anybody because I'm insecure. Yeah. You don't feel good about your. You know, you're like, well, Jannn's a real comic's comic. She's been on Carson, she's been on Letterman, she's been on every show you can imagine. She's done standup everywhere, right? Yeah. Yeah, I was. Yeah. No, I mean, I. You know, because I was younger. You don't really know. Yeah. Okay. I'm doing this now. Yeah, it was a big deal. But the first time I got bombed and then Johnny was back there and he says, Oh, you know, was it? So he said something nice. Nice to have you on and just go have fun. And then I got bummed. He says, Well, we'll have you back. He came backstage. I was like. Oh, he probably was Jannn He was really he really hit on. Jannn is really close to Joanne in names? No, just a names Jannn. Joanne. All of his wives were named Joanne. Mean he just hid his women. Yeah. Well. You know, allegedly say to both cameras. The guy I was dating, you know, Bill's Amy, who passed away, was writing that. Oh, God. Oh, I didn't know that. Oh. What was the call with the. Uh. Yeah. I guess I called. Yeah. Chris Oh, gosh. That was a real break. Yeah. No, I can't believe it either. I know they put on a go to it on a turban. Yeah. Car. I want to say kamaka. That's not it either. Okay, but we know I don't know it either. I can't remember. I know it's my fault. When. You're talking to Johnny Carson, are you like, Oh, my God. Or like, Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I. Don't know. I But then do you. Ever do anything? And then the next night. Oh, God. Sorry. No, no, no. No, no. Then the next time he says, Oh, you're back. Yeah. And you did great. Yeah, I did. Yeah. I so invited you to the chair and all that. No, I didn't go to the chair. Oh. Oh, Jim Macaulay, who booked me on the show, he said that and that. It always sounds like, well, I didn't go because they didn't have time. But he said when they have to fill. But you know, because then they had to have it exactly the right time because they didn't added or oh, so wherever it was, if they had time, they call you over. If there's no time. So the lady that had a parakeet, she went too long. So then if only like I thought, Oh damn joke, I could have gone over there. Oh, 15 seconds and 30 seconds. He would have said, come over. Oh that would have changed the course of my career. I don't. Know. Oh, no. I think all that shit they would have said Johnny Calderon. Oh, shit. The thing even did, like in real time, you're like, Did he call you over? Like, that was something. He was very like, okay, I want to do my set and then I want that. Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, a friend of ours, Randy Credico, who I did a documentary about called Sicko, spins Around the Sun. He said it was we he was given directives before he went on. Don't do an impression of Johnny, don't do this, blah, blah. And he had a killer set and then he looked over and he goes, And that was Randy Credico. He didn't call him over because he did the impression. Oh, he went ahead and did it anyway. Yeah. Because I think Dana Carvey, my good friend Dana. Yeah. He was doing Carson and I think it went too far. Uh huh. At first he liked it, but then it was. Like, uh, yeah, you start feeling good, you get a little. Yeah. And then then Carson just smacks you down. Yeah. Yeah, but you do. You know. And I also I wanted to do Letterman didn't get to do that either, but I. And I heard Wendy Liebman, who we both love. Yeah, And Wendy, I know. I heard. Ya. Thank you for watching. Thank you for listening to this, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, of. Course. And you were saying how you didn't get on Letterman, which was crazy because you were totally perfect. Like. Oh, I know. It kills me to this day. No, no, no, no. I mean, I was really upset. Yeah, it was great. I had to go past the gatekeeper, and that's how I had to go. We need time. I got anything. I went past the gate. I mean, I got it through. Not by the gatekeeper. Yeah. Mm hmm. Robert Morton said you're not ready or you're not ready or you're not ready for national TV. I said, What? I just did The Tonight Show. And then I tried and tried for years. And the person you're talking about is a producer. Producer of Letterman. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, I sure do. Yeah. And it's like, who is that guy to tell you that you're not ready? Yeah. The whole thing is just shitty because they can talk to you however they want to. Yeah. Yeah, It's totally up to them. Yeah. You sort of to believe it at the time, or you're like, bullshit. Yeah, well, you're kind of at their mercy. Yeah, well, why had I remember I had just done a half hour special on HBO, and I tried to get on Letterman. I couldn't. And it was Robert Morton. It goes, well, people do this to get that. So why do you want to do. And I just want to do it. Why? Are you angry? Yeah, just let me do it. It's like, Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But then my friend George Miller. Oh, yeah. So he he says he was mad because he wanted more comedians that he liked and well, that he wanted on the show. So he told Dave about me. He sent my tape. Oh, wow. Booker That's so great that way. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, That's amazing. That's awesome. Daniel Carlson It was his last day when I was there. I Shit. Yeah, that guy that. But I tried getting on with him. Uh huh. And he said he. Oh, yeah, yeah. And Daniel Carlson kept me from it too. And Enzo Friedman. But yeah. Do you get to fraternize with any of the other guests when you're on a talk show like that? Like your performance or you're. Yeah, you're trying to, like, just get ready and hair and makeup. Yeah, clothes. And it was kind of a nightmare. The second one. Why do you really want to know? Why? Do you like. Jesus? Yes, I want to. I mean, I only got. I only got cone. I only got CONAN. Well, the second time you went on Letterman was a nightmare. Oh, CONAN, I didn't get. Oh, that's crazy. Okay. But because Letterman's a much bigger deal. But going. I try. You know, we all try, right? And so it's just so disappointing. Yeah. Yeah. And so so, Jeff, it's so subjective, too. You never know what happened on your second. What? Well, this is your thing. Yeah. I talk to the wardrobe woman, and I say, Hey, my pants have slits, and I take it go the next day. What outfit do you think I should wear? And I still don't like what I chose, but she says, Oh, we'll fix it when you're there. Yeah, I was like, Uh huh. Because, you know, you only have, like, seconds. Yeah, I would. I get there early and then somebody takes my pants and then the safety pin it with the pockets sticking out, you know those. Oh. Yeah, yeah. Like in the front. Like. I know I've had all of mine. I either had them all taped down or sewed down. Yeah, because. Do you really need to put your hands in your pockets on TV for anything you know, you don't know. And also it just show. It looks bad. Yeah. Make you look happy. Oh. Because they stick out. I like I've been trying to fashion a waistline for anything. While you can do it, you'd be fine with it. You could have big pockets on stage. Yeah. Yeah. So it was like those. so they take the pants. It's all disorganized. She's nowhere to be seen. And it was. I had my robe on until 2 minutes before I went on. Oh, no. No, somebody has my pants, I don't know. And then I called down and I'm going to cry thinking about it. I call it. He was there in the audience. You want to watch this time? He went the first time. He's a great guy. He he George also helped him get on. And George is can you help her get her pants? And then they call the Eddy Brill. He goes, What's going on with her pants then? Because Eddy Brill was now there. Yeah, so then, uh, I guess they finally sewed on down. Mm hmm. That's all they had to do. Yeah. Yeah. I had to go to the bathroom. Oh, The stage manager goes. She can't go to the bathroom. And I said, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll go. And then Edie Brill says, Let her go to the bathroom, to the stage manager. So I had to go downstairs and then put my pants on and still have my shit together, be miked and then go, Hmm, hmm hmm. And I was all I could do to. You know what? It's. Yeah, Yeah. All I could do to keep keep my head. Like, do not let any of this affect you. Yeah, Yeah. Like razor sharp focus. Like, I am not going to let any of this shit affect me. Yeah. And then I. Killed. That's fantastic. No, I feel like I'm always called when I'm in the bathroom. 5 minutes, Kightlinger, and I'm always in my nervous pee or whatever it is. Yeah, that's. That was terrifying. That's the terrifying part. Yeah, That was. Yeah, it's. It's fine to have a set of all that drama happen, and then you have to perform in, like, a non permanent on camera situation. Yeah. Yeah. Which you're already in your head about, right. Yeah. Do I look at my pocketbook. Do I have like all that shit's racing through your mind? Yeah. Meanwhile, the caretakers around you don't give a shit about any of my heart. No, And I. The guy was supposed to fix my hair. He goes, I'll do it before you go on. I had it done at the hotel, and then. And then he goes, all do before you go on. And he just kind of went like this. So my hair ended up being really goofy. Oh, but I like that. Oh, like I didn't want to do it. We just kind. Of they were gossiping and then, you know. Uh, it was hard. Yeah. I used to have really long hair, and before I did something. I should talk about the joy of it. The Go. Ahead. No. No, no, no. It's same. I was like, I should have, and I thought I looked great. And then some hair person was like, Oh, let's unknown products, hands in your hair. And then I go on stage, I'm like, Oh, I look like a housewife. Like, no, dirty. I wanted to look like I can. Do it the way you have. You had hair. Oh, my God, all the time. I'm having him right now because I was just saying, like, how can I fix my hair so you can't see my roots? I've got to go get my roots done. I know I told you about this. Oh, I know why I tried the mascara stuff, but I think you can still go. And it's already back, like. Oh, yeah. Who? What? With your. Face. Oh, the joy I know. Well, it's great. You go. Okay, Jen. So this is in New York. You go. You have a triumphant set on Letterman, and then you go to a club and everybody's like, Jen, that's great, right? Like, Oh, I didn't. I ended up my friends were there, and then we went somewhere downtown. I didn't go to work. Oh, you didn't? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I didn't go anywhere. Yeah, you. You just went out with your friends. Anticlimactic, in a way, when you do those. yeah. I mean. Were you thinking like a late night was going to change your career? Yeah, you do. You? Yeah. I think you like street famous. You know all that? Yeah, that's what I would think. Yeah. A lot of weight on intensity. Yeah. No. Well, I was just thinking, like, I remember kidding a like, I was a half hour special, and I was at Nancy Shane's apartment and we were sitting there. I'm 40, I think it was 45th and ninth or 10th. And she, she's not there now. But I remember just like flipping through her channels. We just order Chinese through them, just flipping through channels like what we're going to watch forever. And then I saw my face and how excited I was and the stupid thing I wore my hair looked like shit and just. No, no, no, no. But it was like I was just all excited. I look like a hairbrush. Jannn I remember I had my hair, like, kind of curly and like, I had, like, decided what I was going to do yet with it, and I just whatever. And I was wearing a little pink outfit and I looked at my face and I was thinking about all the shitty advice. I got more energy and more rubber, but more than that, I noticed, like the hope. And that's what killed me. And that's and that's when I wrote the book. I wrote my book Quick Shots of False Hope, because that's what I think this business is like. You have a second of hope. Like I've that's going to happen. It's going to happen for me now. I just did that, but just looking my face and then she was like only like a couple of years later, it was just like a rerun. And I thought, You little putt like you really thought and you're so excited and look. But it's genuine. It's. Do you think that. I'm just trying so hard? I don't know, or wanting it or. Whatever is hard to know because everybody's in your ear and everyone's in your face and everybody you know. Yeah, you got to balance it with your own. You know. If I. Thought your what your special was great. No. It feels less like. So it would be like a plucky, helpful person in any other job is like, totally fine. But just because you were plucky and hopeful on camera. Yeah. Like, you think that's not your persona? Yeah, no, not at all. And I was just like, you know, and just I remember being really excited like, well, here I am and who gives a shit? The genuine. The authentic. Yeah, that's a joke. Yeah. Well, yeah, I. Yeah. No, I was excited to get a break, you know, that's what it is. And that's what I think. This business is. You get little, you know, shots. Yeah. Quick shots of false hope, which is approaching its 22nd year. Yeah. That's great. I agree. In bio. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Who cares? Your Honor, you're going to get a copy of your book. Sure, if you can find one. I won. Yeah, Yeah. A copy of book every other time I saw her. Every time she says I makes you feel like it's in my book. If you read. It. Yeah. Yeah. Do you mind? You're supposed to be my new friend. This is like my. This is my sad story. I'm trying to elicit a book report I didn't know I was assigned. Apparently. You poor thing. It's. You know, I'm a narcissist. You came into this as a narcissist. You say about comics are narcissist. With what? Oh, well, it was really good, and I couldn't remember what it was. I was like, I got it. And what on here are those? Oh, I don't know. Narcissist confidence, I guess. I don't know. Where did. You start? You started saying it like it was great. Now it's really good, I think. Yeah. What certain? Yeah. Oh, well, the narcissist who have too much confidence maybe. Yeah. Like we could all name, I don't know, just like that. You know that people that are so confident and still not funny, but it doesn't matter because they have a crowd. They have whatever. You know in the show I was working on That wasn't that good, though, which could be anything, right? I'm not talking about anything recently. And and I said, and it's just like the delusion of all of it. And I said, Well, you know, if the paid laugh is in the audience are doing their job, you know, we should be fine if they're laughing because they've been paid to laugh. I don't think people really know that there are paid Latin, not just paid audience members, but paid laughs. Yeah, I don't think the producers knew and they really were. Everybody was paid to laugh. And did they? Were they? Yeah, Well, I mean, that's the sad thing. Like when things didn't go, I was like, wait a second, these people are paid and still isn't funny. You can't even make people that's their job to laugh. Laugh. Right, Right. And that's really funny. And people like Judge Judy, I wanted to be the people in the courtroom. Oh, I Oh, that would be fun. You know, I. Don't think you want that as your. Career. He doesn't. And he's too goddamn funny. That's another thing. You go put on a blazer and put my hair back on. It's another day. You're so cute. I want it, right? Yeah. He started and. I started in Arizona, where I'm from. I was. Like. Like. Well, it was a mexican food restaurant, and then the not to, like, date, but it was like a Playboy club. Oh, sure. Yeah. So they had Monday nights, and this guy from L.A., he would go to L.A. and steal all the material. And then do you know he was the emcee? But it was really nice. It was a great show, was a great because the audience was nice and it was intense. So then then we had a mexican food restaurant and then I you know, and then I just different places around town. And then I moved to Chicago and then I did standup in Chicago at Second City. And then I went to New York because I was like, Okay. Oh, that's awesome. Instead of east, you know, East Coast versus West Coast. Yeah. Yeah, I think. Did I meet you back then, boss? Yes. Jeez. Damn, that was funny, because that's where I started. Boston. Why did a gig with Brian? Yes. I love Brian. He's been on the show. For me to the gig, and he's like, Oh. Oh, that's so funny. He's been on the show. Yeah, he is a sweetheart. Did you like New York? I did. I love New York. Yeah, but I had to leave because the rent was. Oh, so crazy. And it was just kind of time to leave. I wasn't getting spotted at the strip and or at the at the catch. And I wasn't getting spots at the sellers. And at the time it, it was very male. Oh, it still is too. I mean I. Never I was like, what am I doing here? And then Jerry Seinfeld introduced me to both Friedman and Alex, who were at this club, Columbus Avenue restaurant, said, Oh, when Jannn comes to L.A., you've got to put her on. So that was like a parlay into the. Oh, that's good. Yeah. I kind of had to leave. Yeah. Had changed. Yeah. And, and I remember the seller. Ah, Nancy, Shane and I, we had the 1 a.m. and the 115 spots when nobody was in the room. That's the spots that we got. I was glad when that guy died. The, the guy who put it on, he was such a creep. Manny Yeah. Manny. He was such a creep. He would. Help. Oh, no. Him especially. He was so gross. And he his mistress was like a waitress. And he was such a creep as to, I think was nice, but she would just kind of go along with whatever. But I. Said. Oh, yeah, probably now she does. Yeah. Like he would never eat like everybody. Yeah. No, no she didn't book, she was a waitress. And then everybody said, oh well that's Manny's mistress. No, but that wasn't S-t. It was another gal, a younger Marcia. And I was just like, this little creep, like, okay. You're the owner and you're still a waitress. Shouldn't you be, like, edging for stage time? He wasn't. He was incredibly cheap. Yeah, I took forever, let's just say that. But. Oh, yeah, no, he was awful. And he. I remember Manny said, because Sarah Silverman and I started around this, I think she Sarah started before me. She started like when she was still in college and she was still in NYU. And she said one day, Manny, we were both trying to get a spot. And Manny said, Well, you two are cute so you can hand out fliers. But other than that, you're too you're too hollow to get anything going. Wow. And it's like, oh, you creep. Yeah, He was awful. How rude. Yeah. All right. Yeah, yeah. You're just trying. Yeah. And that was, like, nineties, you know, which was a long time ago, but still hollow. I think they'd be calling me like that. Yeah, I know. Well, I think we both took. Yeah, we both took it as shallow. Yeah. Yeah. And it was just like yeah I do too is gross. Yeah, he was awful. I'm glad he's gone. But anyway. But yeah, and Catch wasn't that easy either. It was all guys, mostly. Yeah. Yeah. And us was there. And so she passed me, which was nice. Oh, that's great. And Larry. Yeah, Yeah, she was. She was definitely a woman's advocate. Adrian was amazing, I. Know to me, but she didn't. I was like, This isn't going to happen. And she. I met her at the, I think at before, right before I left to come here and she was really cool and I was in Bill shift I love and he's he's out here I think now or is he's still in New York I think he's okay. Yeah. Yeah but they were. But I remember how funny they were both. I mean, she was brilliant and I think he used to play piano for her, too. Oh, I don't know. I just kind of remember the truth. Yeah, I remember them being on stage together a lot. I don't know. But me, anyway, had music. They had it after every comedian went up, then out, and then the band would go up. A bass player, a guitar player and drummer and a piano. Player and play a full song. Well, they had singers, too. Yeah. Yeah. Got shot, huh? Wow. Damn. I didn't know that was a really nice club in that. Yeah, they could have three singers a night, and then they'd have the comedians and. Yeah, so that's why it was different. Yeah. And I worked at this restaurant and they had a jazz open mic, so they had a house band with all the instruments. And then if you just could play one of them, you would come in and fill in. And there was this one band, you know, that's like me and Mrs. Jones. Yeah. And I was at the whole stand of this restaurant, so I just sit there and watch the show every Wednesday. And it was this group. They were all blind. It was like three blind guys. It was so good. They had their sticks, so they all one would lead them up to the stage. Oh, Jesus thing. And then the only song they knew or would play was Oh Mrs. Jones, which is one of my favorite. It's a song. Yeah. They would nail and just drag it out and they bring the house down and people would lose their minds and then they would only get one song. Yeah. Oh, it would end and then they would all get up and they break out their sticks and then they would just silently leave the stage. Oh, shit. It was so. Beautiful. How many assholes introduce them as a three by myself? Well, I was going to. Say like every week. Okay. It was one of those. It's like nobody knows who these people are. I'm stupid. Young white people trying to get up and, like, actually be a rock star. Oh, shit. You've got nothing on me. There's Jones. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I tried to do it for karaoke. But nobody knows that song. Oh, really? I love that. I got. Eric. Yeah, that's good. I love that. I know everything. We gotta. They go. We both know that it's wrong. Oh. Oh, I love it. Oh, the early days. Yeah, we both know that it's wrong. But. So what. Did you work at. Catch? Not really. I had a really hard time, Louis. Randy didn't like me, and we. Changed because the guy was lucky. I came at the right time and took over. And then she was, like, booking the guys. She goes, You got to hang out. I go, I am. It's. Oh, I didn't see. I just missed her. I mean, Cynthia Co actually really helped me come out to New York, but I didn't know that she yeah, in the beginning she helped me. I got me an audition, all this stuff. I couldn't get spot to catch my shit. I'm like. Wait, so you didn't. Get Oh, Louis, Mo No is like, Sorry, kid. Well, no. Well, yeah, well, I my, my, my audition. My audition was the one I got, but I had to go up because, Oh, it's going to be a movie. I got a surprise drop in. Surprise drop in was Jerry Seinfeld, who did a half hour. And so then I had to do my first, like 10 minutes and I got Yeah, yeah. So I t I took the Amtrak and got to got through 5 minutes and got, you know, barely got through my set. But I remember seeing Cynthia Co being super nice after. But the thing that made me laugh and now I feel like I don't know if this is if somebody told me this or if it happened to me. I've said this story so many times, but on the Amtrak in the morning and this was like late eighties and women were still like in their suits and Reebok sneakers. Right. And, you know, going to work. And it's so funny. But I remember someone a woman came out of the bathroom and we were like on the train. And it was just all kinds of explosions going on, all kinds of noise. And I remember this guy like this woman, you know, rushed back. It goes, Hey, you really went for it, didn't you? Oh, Oh, but you got recognized. No, I wasn't me. I wasn't the one. I didn't shit my pants in the back. No. And then I was sitting there and what I remembered was, Oh, oh. Because you like, like, you know, we've had a big bowel problem in the bathroom, and the guy said, if we. You assholes, both of you, I'm trying to tell you a shit. I'm trying to tell you a shit story that made me loud, that made me laugh. I was, I was on my way to New York. Yeah. Unless this is somebody else's story on. The Amtrak. That. Okay. Yeah. And I'm sitting there, I'm sitting there nervous. I took the early train there because I had an audition that and I remember and this woman had, like, explosive, whatever. We didn't know who went in the bathroom. We just knew someone had explosive, you know, And when they and it was a woman who walked out and this guy looks up from his newspaper and says, Hey, you really want for dinner? And I was just we were all like, crying, laughing. And she rushed to the next train. But anyway. Cause nobody wants to be accused. But I mean, for him to point that out, I don't know. That is not in your said I hadn't gone on yet. I hadn't gotten to New York yet. This is from Boston to New York, New York. And then Jerry Seinfeld stepped on your toes. I know, but I guess. Yeah, Yeah. It all led to how much many women. And I going to go ahead and say that this is okay to mention that David's owes you $5,000, David Spade, don't you think? Yeah. For lifting material. You know me. I am. I I hang on to a grudge like a mother... You're going to come with me to the Irvine Improv or Ontario? Let's go. We're going to confront him. Make him give. Because you know what? Even, you know, 5000. It should be more than. Yeah, well, first of all. Okay. Okay. Robin Williams, who was an amazing performer. Yeah. And yeah, but he like, you know, inadvertently, I believe, probably inadvertently was taking material from comics constantly. So he was kind of comics take him aside and say, Hey, that was Steve Perles bit, that was Jeremy Kramer's, but you owe him money. And so he would honestly, Robin Williams would take out his checkbook and say, you know, I'm sorry about that. I'm get I'm paying you, I'm giving you a check. And so David Spade stole your shit. He owes you check. Yeah, right. He stole your jokes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In what capacity? Like he saw you tell them, and then you saw him tell them. Well, then he did it on Saturday night. We did it on television. We did. The Gap Girls, and it was like. Oh. Shit, that's a big bit. always feel bad if we talk about it, we're like, Oh, she's bitter. Well, who gives a shit? You're owed. All right. Package. Like, if you're submitting these days, which I don't know what you look like, but if you write, you're not even going to. You're. You're considered. Oh, I was. You know, he saw me do it on stage. Yeah. Yeah. You submitted. They say they own it, whatever you submit. And then if you see the sketch on there and I can prove it, then they or you see something, the vagueness of like if it's remotely similar, we don't owe you. Oh, it's so gross. Yeah, we don't owe you much. So there's all these ways about how they can use something close to the idea. That now you. Don't get to reap anything. But what's not even like. But I don't care. That's a big deal. It's just. You know, that. Yeah. Yeah, He shouldn't do that. Ari, you have a. So he was a he liked my stuff and he was. And then, you know, and he like that bit and another bit that I did and I saw, I walked into the improv in Santa monica and saw him doing it word for word and, and I was like, you're doing my best. Yeah. Yeah. You know, And I was like, If you ever do my material again, I'll kill you. He's like, what? And then. I mean, so he apologized. Open forum goes on, you know. And then I told him about you Did The Gap Girls is mine. He says, I know, I know. I needed something. Oh, my God. Horrible. That's not okay. You get on the show and call me. But then he never. Yeah, well, now it's time for David Spade to pay up. I don't give a shit. And you know something? You know it's not okay. I was doing what's. That's a big, big. Bit entertainment person. And he acknowledged. He acknowledged you. Saw him performing at live at the Improv and then again on television. But before that I think it was yeah, two different. Bits. So he gets residuals from that. That belongs to you. And, and I want to tell Gallagher. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know something? It kept like. That looks really good. You should get it. SALESGIRL Yeah, and, you know, and I want to just say, like, what a big talker I am because I said to Jannn, I'm going to go confront him. And then she said is in Irvine. And I said, That's too far to go. Hey, hey. And that's what a shitbag I am. Jannn, I'm not going to put up with this shit. I'm going to confront Spade. I know that little asshole. I'm going to do it. It's in Irvine. Okay, Well, I can't go. That's fine. I didn't know it was Ontario. Oh, that's too far. I don't know where anything is, but that's too far to go. But if it's any. I don't like it. Well, maybe we'll hear from David. He'll hear this and be the do the right thing. Only the the only funding apart from who. Can pay for my root canal. From the get shop on SNL. As a fan that knows the sketch is is Chris Farley lay off and starving like that's what sold that sketch to anybody. Yeah but the whole thing. And that's a very memorable thing. That's okay. You can cinch it. It doesn't fit. And I said then and go, Well, it doesn't really fit. It's okay. You can belt it and change it to cinch you clinch it. Yeah. I guess. Well, that's yours. That's not okay. And you know, there are mugs and I mean, I remember being on there. I remember being, you know, having a bad time there, but everyone was trying to come up with their saying, their sketch, their whatever it is. And there were a lot of sad attempts to. it's a weird business. You see, all kinds of people get stuff for whatever reason. We were talking earlier, meritocracy and stuff like that. Once something like that, that doesn't motivate you to go out and not you. But like me, I'm like, that isn't like make me feel like, oh, I should. I'm in the right business. Look at this. That makes me, like, angry. Oh, yeah, Yeah. It's shitty. Yeah. How are you? Suppose I was in the Young Comedians Special with David Spade and Rob Schneider were in it, but I didn't get he they got picked and I didn't get picked. And. And, you know, to go to Saturday Night Live. Mm hmm. Brad. Great. He said you're a star. What? He managed you and I said no. And he says, he says, Call me. We're going to have lunch. Hmm. I'm going to, you know, whatever. Then when I call me because all my plate is full and I. God, he said, Yeah, Oh, yes. And, um, but it's about like that. But anyway, we were in the young comedians special. Yeah, it was huge. From Arizona to. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think it was, like, outrageous, like my that my agent even repeated what Daniel CALLISON said. Like, when I saw him, I said, or wherever he goes, Well, you know, cause I had to send him a tape after I got on. And then, you know, so I said I didn't. And then I had to send him a tape again. And then? Then, then he goes, Well, you know, it would be okay if a guy was doing this. But I don't know. It just seems weird for a girl, for a woman to be saying these things, whatever. And so that's why allegedly why I didn't get it in my in at the time. It was it really made me laugh because I, I think I was at ICM and the comedy agent at that time told me this, and I'm going to say what his name is. But then I saw him again. What? Oh no. Oh, then I saw him again at like the Just For Laughs Festival. And he goes, Well, you're so funny. You know, we've got I'd like to try again with this. And a rabbi. And I said, I haven't been at the agency for three years. Oh my God. Yeah, yeah. That's so bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I left the agency three years ago when you guys couldn't find my tape, and I wanted to add something to my real. And you didn't know where it was, but have been telling me that you've been sending me out on things. Yeah. Unbelievable, right? Yeah. It's shitty. Yeah. I did. The young comedians tonight Show and something else. And then the guy took over at William Morris for this other guy who left, who was a big fan, said, uh, nobody's going to hire you. You're. You're washed up. And I'm like, What's that? 30? Oh, what a bunch of shit. And they would never say that to a man. Never, ever. I mean, guys keep getting chances. He had me in his office. He'd come, come and we'll talk about it an hour, 45 minute. Is that for. Yeah. Whose ego is that? Yeah. So he's like, you're washed up. What a horrible thing. That's terrible. Age. And once he I same thing, it was like he brought me into his office and it was the front desk. Girls I could tell was like they looked really unhappy. Yeah. This guy came in and it's one of those where he's not even looking at me. While he's trying. To make eye contact. I was like, We have this weird, like. It's the weirdest. Back and forth. And then finally he goes, I'm just going to break it down for you. I lost a client last week and I need a gay guy. I got a fat girl, I got a funny guy, and I'm like a gay guy. I was like, okay, yeah. And he said it to my face. That's the only time he looked at me. Was like, broke down. I was like, This is what I need you for. Like, check a box. And like, Oh my God, why am I doing God Almighty? That's what I get for going to North Hollywood. Oh, North. Something fishy. Is was a Beverly. Hills. Okay, look at we're going to shoot this year. It's going to be different. I got the joy of it. Because I'm like, Yeah, I said, I'm not. Going to you know, I'm the one that brings us down on. This good stuff. No, there is good stuff coming for all of us, for sure. Yeah. It's like there's a lot of do. Yeah. I mean, you're abused as a child, you're used to that stuff and you seek that kind of thing, and therefore you recreate it. Wait a second. Do you feel that way? Wait, Jannn, I'm now speaking of not being down and taking us down, did you were you abused as a child? Do you have a tough childhood? Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that. No, but I mean, when you're used to kind of being scapegoated or. Yeah, we the only child. No, know. Three, three. The youngest. Oh, okay. What? Your brothers and sisters were mean. Yeah, it's just, you know, it's a whole thing. Watch the one woman show reclining nude on. Yeah. I really will. Jannn, we all. Well, I didn't know about this. Yeah, Okay. Oh, okay. You too. Okay. Trying to sell it. What is this again? You said the the show. It's like a one woman show that I. It's a storytelling and stand up and painting, so it's. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Oh, Well, definitely. I was working on it for many years, and George Slaughter saw it and he said, Let's do it. And then in 2015 we shot it and then we finally finished editing it right before the pandemic. And it's called Reclining Nude. And that's great. Jannn in the chaos. Okay, I like that. Awesome. So what? Well, you know. Yeah. You'll watch it. You will? Definitely. No, I will. We're going. We'll provide a link to it too, so that people can look at for it and find it. Yeah, we're talking. You paint? I like to paint, Lord. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, you do. A lot I've been doing. No, I did a collage show in the other room. It's like I like doing. It in art, but. I kind of do. I kind. Of do. A. Good I. Think. I think you guys are. I didn't look, I didn't come here to argue. One of my friends is a really good painter, and she paints a lot too, and she wants to, like, come over and we'll paint together. Right? That's fun. Yeah. I can't do that because. Do you. Do acrylic? Yeah, you can chat. Right? And art, I like I'm too busy concentrating and she wants to be like, so. And it's very sad. But it's still nice just to be in a room with other people. Your friends painting. Can we do it here? Yeah. Yeah, we will. Let's do one. Let's do one for sure. I would if we all have to. Let's be really divisive and we each have to do the other person's like portrait. Okay? I don't know. I'm not really good. At what you do. My landlord is. Yeah. Yeah. And then just to keep it even, we'll do the reverse nine. Well, I feel self-conscious because I've got like, now I've got a little thing like right here where I put my face in. Kat's like, I've got a little stitch right here. Get no, no. You know how much I love cats. Well, there was like I was helping with this cat. My friends can. I said, Oh, it's so sweet. And then I got a little scratch right across the right. I got bit in the face by a child. Oh, no, Chows are so scary. I think they're just. They're scary around other animals, too. Even though I love all animals, they're scary. Yeah, they're known to be scary. Hello? Martha Stewart has, like, five. Oh, she who scares you more? The channels are more. Oh, I don't know. That sounds like that. I just see a roomful of Chows. Even with her. There's no dogs. Yeah. God almighty. Shit like Emperor Mao. Oh. Yeah. I had no idea. That's weird. She also claims she's been struck by lightning twice, which is insane. Once was her homewares. And the other was where the. Yeah. Where she was doing. Like, I'm being creative. Yeah. You know, when people call their house a name. Yeah, You know what I mean? Like, well when we were at whatever Kinney like, as if as a man. Oh right, right. That's disgusting. That's the she, she's like, well, we're at Balmoral, that kind of bullshit. Oh. Well, you know. I love. Her. I won't even. I won't even. But, you know, I love cats, too. Yeah. I won't even thrift shop and buy a thrift. Diane von Furstenberg, because I know that she's had her dogs cloned. She had her one dog clone for each of her home. So she had six dogs cloned off her one dog, and that cost $250,000 to do. To clone a dog. Yeah. So now I don't like her. Do you get a bulk discount? Oh. I don't know. But I mean that just throwing that money away when there's so many animals, so many people that could, you know, use help or a home is disgusting. We have enough already. Yeah. Oprah flew her cocker spaniels to Hawaii on, like, a private jet that you are. You know, that's like. Well, she didn't have them clone. She's just loves them to death. Air travel. No, that doesn't bother me at all. I mean, I would do that with my dog if I could afford it. I'd have all my dogs and and my dog and my cats and first class and I would ride underneath my car. Yeah, I would. I would be in a cage and cargo. And just so the animals were comfortable. With the rusted undercarriage. Oh, God. Damn. You had to bring it back to that rice. All that. Yeah. Now my uterus is on the floor all over again. And it's run. Away. But you finally know. I do a trap neuter, and I do try trap a lot of cats. Oh, that's so good. And but that's a lot of money spent on that. Well, I, I well, so. I look for Fosters. I, you know, I take them to their appointments to get spayed or neutered. Um. here. Jannn is helping animals all over the world and and has to, like, figure out how to afford her root canal with David Spade milking all of us on the Gap girls and other material of Jannn's. I asked Mark Gervase, his manager, Could I open for Spade? He goes, Oh, he doesn't have any dates coming up. But that was like last year. Mm hmm. He has a lot. So I was like, Okay, mate, then let me open for you. Well, then he's going to pay for your goddamn. He's going to pay give you. He's paying for your care and I'm going to tape it, him paying for your root canal, and he's going to have to sit there. you're so goddamn funny. It's going to be easy to edit this because there's tons of stuff I Oh, yeah. And Jannn So can people like look at your Instagram? Where, where do we find you next to go and watch and where, where available? Yes, I know I need to like Taylor Williamson's and it's so good. And then you got to like, make people pay. And again. Wait a second. But where do that? Where do you plug it? It's on YouTube. My YouTube channel. Okay. What is it. Oh Jannn Karem dot com. And Jannn is Jannn two ends because some people might know. Are 8 a.m. dot com. Yay perfect. Well listen I had more followers and then they said hey we deactivated your can had what community guidelines and I said right I'm just a comedian I'm just posting and then they wrote from a non reply email Oh it was a mistake. This was like in June. Yeah, sorry, it's back up now. I can't log back into that old account. I can. I tried. I even asked a 20 year old. Yeah. Whoa. Oh, wow. And I can't get in because I had to start a new one. I only have like, 400. Followers, but. Oh, shit. How do they do that, though? And you're supposed to verify. I don't know. Do you. Know how to No, girl help you, though? He might know. He'll know. Yeah, he'll help you. Somebody report on. For. Sure Facebook. Okay. So someone came to see Margaret and interview her at a show in Seattle, and the interviewer then interviewed me just because I was also in the room and to do that. And then his headline was like, Openly gay comedian loves comedy. Like nothing we talked about was anything about, like coming out of the closet or anything or being open, which is such last century. But yeah, so he posted it and tagged me on Facebook and some psycho. Oh. Reported that he didn't like it. And so Facebook also like banned me shut down my words for community guidelines and then I just got it like out of business, but I just got an email from them saying, Oh, we got this wrong. And I linked to see what got me shut down and it was that article. Oh wow, Psycho third party who hates gay people or hate me or whatever reported Cher comedian friends who were also like, locked out or hacked. Yeah, there's a way to get yours. We'll figure that out. Get the I put in the password and it. Okay, they have to change it. And it's like, okay. And then we send you the code and then you put that and it's like we don't recognize it. It's just like, I can't get it to serve. Yeah. As a pain in the ass. Uh huh. Okay. These are the woes of. Of our career. Yeah. And of the new technology. Well, look, Jannn Karem is brilliant. You have to take it from us. She's hilarious. And she had millions of followers. They it up somehow. And now just. Just take. Our. Oh, yeah, I. Locked her out of her Instagram. That little I'm going to talk to. I'm going. To. Let's drive to the next. Okay? If he's you know, the next time he's in town, I have a I have better car now and. I think I saw. Yeah, I have to be looking at 12 mile radius. Yeah. All right. The next time David Spade's in the living room, the next time he's in the living room, I'm going to, like, knock him down, I might say. Listen, Dave, I'm going to actually pick him up and shake him. Yeah, No, I'll go to. I'll go to the Improv. I'll go too. I'll go. I'll go like 20 mile. I'll make sure Go with me. No, maybe we'll hear from him. This is a kind of a popular podcast I hear. According to Garrett, it's pretty popular too. The producer? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Jannn, I love you. Hilarious. You're hilarious. Are you doing standup soon around here, or should we just look at. Where and it's only like 6 minutes. It's ridiculous. And you don't get paid, but it's like the best audience. What is that comedy Chateau. I don't know where that is. It's on across from the Toyota dealership on Lankershim. Oh. You can't even get it's a Diet Coke. I'm like, Felix, can I get a Diet Coke? Yeah. All right. We don't tell anybody. Oh, Jesus. You're not paying me. Yeah. they pepper it with with season the people. The audience is just always great. Oh, you do sickness and you kill. So I don't mind. Yeah. And I go to flappers and, comedy, magic and little rooms here and there. But there are some good place. Well, we're in. The young. Kids. We heard Jay, and there's Tammy Jo. She's. She's a Yeah, yeah, she's a producer. And so she said there's she's going to be there's a new club on Hollywood and Highland so we'll do that or another. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we'll find out. Yeah, right. You know, you're so funny. I love doing it. I love how I know. I love seeing you time. Oh, we'll have to go. Ina. What? We do our sets, and, you know, that was great, you know. And maybe the next time I take you to dive bar, you'll meet somebody that you fall in love with. Like I met Garret. I find that U-shaped booth again. I know, right? I know. Yeah. He's got to be smart and funny. Me? No, I. Don't. I don't know. Yeah. I'm. I'm BGT. Yeah. I mean, time. Is better for you, but. Jannn you he would have gotten. Oh, what a cool guy he was. Oh, I know. Well, you know what, Dennis Miller allegedly recommended me way back when to I don't know who, but that Letterman. Young comedian special because of Dennis Miller. Uh, he recommended me, but I had a showcase. But then I got it, which was a miracle. Yeah. Yeah, you got it in a half hour special. Well, I don't know. I still. To me, it's a big deal to me. I would like to do an hour HBO and I know, I know, I know. Maybe I could, but I mean, I think. I don't know. It's just in my head that HBO is still it. For whatever. Reason, I don't. Watch. We talked about the Phyllis Diller HBO special from 77. no. Call it the home box Office killer. That's why it was a big deal, because my mom snuck around to get an A at the box, the HBO to get cable. Yeah, Yeah. She slept with one of the guys at the phone company because my mom worked at the phone company to get a legal cable to get home box office. And that's where I saw the young comedians. But I saw I remember seeing Bob Shaw on the comedian's special and and he did a bit about the the 33 flavors or the Baskin-Robbins. Yeah, 31 flavors. Maybe it was only 25 then. But anyway, he said he was stoned and he said he said, I'd like to try that. And he goes, Can you just give me a gallon on this little spoon. Yeah, it is. I don't know. I ruined that bit. But he was, you know, Bob is funny and, and all those kind of. Yeah. Now it's just so many route. I know. I just think it's too many. It's a glut. I know, but just part way. I know Gary you'll edit parts but which is part of it too. Like I don't even really want to go into it. Not that I was going to say swamp, but that's rude. But I don't. I just think. It's a swamp because like people, kids who get, I guess like a, you know, on Tik-tok or whatever they can, they get a following and they're funny too, you know, other, you know, teens and adult and whatever or whatever. And they get tons and tons of viewers and they're not they're not even standups, really. Not like you're past my butt or past. Yeah. Yeah. And you get a special because you have all the followers on Tik-tok. A lot of. Your followers are going to come to your show. Yeah, I don't. Yes or no, I don't. Yeah, but I don't think it always translates that way. Hmm. Who like watching this way or not? The people who want to watch you. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. So it's kind of the way that it kind of. The other thing is, like, with what I see in, like, radio show, it's so edited. Yeah. So fast that I think people go to a show and they're like, Wait, it's not things they think. Oh yeah, it pauses. And then the one thing I can't think about it is that when the editing is so fast, they're literally editing out the laughs. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't even need an applause break anymore. Yeah, you don't need an audience for that. Like Netflix specials. No, no, no. Like what you see on Instagram. Yeah, like reels and. Things so fast. It's. And it's like, normally you wouldn't, but you wouldn't. If it's your special, you wouldn't edit out the laughs. Yeah. Just so you can get to your premise or whatever. Yeah. If you would keep in the part where you actually succeeded at the joke. Yeah. The other people laugh at what you're saying. So I can't take that part where it's like everybody's timing is just removed, right? Yeah. Yeah. I think we like, say and then you learn. Yeah, there was. Like and then it's like pulled. Out. It's exactly like you could, you could, you could let something build, you know, and then, and you get a bigger laugh because you go back to it or whatever or Yeah. There's a connection, there's a thing, there's, yeah, yeah. It's not just like and then you suck all that stuff out of it, all the technique. Yeah. And just in actually making a genuine like when somebody's like, you know, when the audience kind of feels like they're with you there. With you. Yeah. I've never ever. But I was coming out to go, Oh, here's what I memorize. Yeah, Half of this audience just thinks I'm going to hell but can't say it is laughing, you beauty. I don't believe that anymore. No, not with you. I what? Oh, I always feel like half the audience is, like, conservative and. Well, I mean, there could be, but I don't like, statistically speaking. But some of that is like your stuff too, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. And that's what you want. You want it to be so generic. Especially being from Texas. I was like, Oh, I'm going to be a shrieking fagot. Guess what? I know 75% of that audience knows I'm going to hell. Yeah, You know what I mean? So it's like more fun. But then again, that starts with with the people that believe in God. Well, yeah, but it's fun to fuck with them the most. Yeah, right. They're the best. Yeah. Oh, they're against everything. Yeah. Yeah. But I don't, I don't really believe in people who for. Even people even believe in the believers. I don't care if I have their I don't care if I have their, their affection or their love. Well here I'll say that's the best gay sex I've ever had is with a Christian closeted gay girl. So whatever that repression does, it really pans out. Cheers. Do you know that I dated a guy in high school? I told. I think I mentioned this before. He was the cutest guy ever. He looked like Peter Frampton. It was a blind kid. And his name? His dad was a minister. And his name is Peter Paradise. Now, I know you've never told. Holy Yeah. And I. Didn't even realize so much, much later what any of it meant. We made out. And then his. He was about to leave. He. They, like, traveled. His dad and parents and family. He had brothers. And they all like. I don't know where they are now, but they are. But I did make out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he was super cute and nice, and he was just using a fake name. No, no, he's a blond. He looked like Peter Frampton in the day. I remember he was gorgeous and really sweet. You, as you don't capitulate, you know, you keep your. You keep your voice and you keep your. You keep. I'm the same 15 year old that I was. I think I peaked at 15. The wine in here or whatever you pulled from the table at Coco's. Oh, the ketchup, the catcher bottles, the condiments. That's Yeah. And he. Doesn't do a side. Show. You're right. Well, Jannn, thank you. I want you to do my eulogy. Laura has never done her side work, or I. Never do. And by the way, people. Laura. No, She was a great comic. But she never. No, that's true. We're. I'm so glad I got to see Jannn. All right. And love you and. All right. We're going to see you again. Well, okay. Thank you. It was a pleasure. Thank you. I know. I'm so glad, Laura. Now we really have to make T-shirts and say, Here, here, here's your ketchup bottles. Let's do it. That's fine. We have merch. Okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah, that's fine. I took a lot of guts. I think it was. You know what? Whatever. Because that's about it. Maybe that was very gutsy. Yeah. Keep that. Guts. Yeah, It's hard, right? Because it's still the same people, you know? That's it, Jannn. It's still the same middle management, but they're writers and producers and it's I'm still going against that. And they and now. Yeah. And they still don't like me either. Mm hmm. Well, anyway, isn't that it? We're always going up against that. And that's what's so like until you go, You know what? I don't want to go up against the same. Yeah, I guess I'll be unemployed, right? It's a lateral move. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. All of it. We want to keep. We want to. And then we have opportunities like this one where I get to share the day with you because of all the work that I've done. I mean, I know we're going to do something, and I'm really excited about your special. We're going to check it out and everyone listening to you, too. All right. Love our love it. I love you. Bye bye bye.